<p>dude its harvard, hell go there man. ego-attack sorry.</p>
<p>Don't you want to be able to drop the H-bomb?</p>
<p>"So, where'd you go to school?"</p>
<p>And it'll never get old, I promise you.</p>
<p>Plus, you'll never have to keep on explaining to people why you chose UCSD over Harvard.</p>
<p>Examine the reasoning I provided (e.g., improve your career prospects and happiness).</p>
<p>Examine the reasoning others provide (e.g., "dropping the H-bomb will never get old").</p>
<p>Logically decide.</p>
haha seriously</p>
<p>If you were accepted into Harvard, then that really means you're properly prepared to go there. As much as I love UCSD, Harvard will do amazing things for your legal career. Prestige doesn't make a lick of difference in a lot of fields, but it does have a sizable impact in the field of law.</p>
<p>Is this post a joke? Harvard. End of story.</p>
<p>You won't make very many "good" contacts comparable to ones you could make at Harvard. Why? Look at the pool of students with a family income above 100k per year. If you want contacts with people that actually have the power to set you up with a good reference or whatnot, going to Harvard is the place to be. Or you could go to UCSD and end up having a good life that you wanted, surf and turf. I recommend you work now, and play later. There's always the opportunity to go to san diego. Buy a home in SD afterwards, I recommend Crown point. There's always time to learn how to surf. But you only get one chance to make these life long college connections, make it with the right people!</p>
<p>You can go into a room with a lot of random people and make some friends. But if you could enter a smaller room with all the right contacts, which would you choose?</p>
<p>Its like students at my school(community college). Business majors that spend all their time with campus activities and working at the local starbucks or gas station. You don't want to network with students like that. Nothing wrong with working your way through college. But a business major should be pursuing his/her passion of business. Building companies and running companies. Not saying, "Would you like anything else?"</p>
<p>Harvard, hands down, don't look back.</p>
<p>The social contacts you'll develop at Harvard will be superior to any that you'll make at public schools. Public schools are large and impersonal. Again, Harvard will open many doors for you.</p>
<p>And why won't you be happy at Harvard? Fun doesn't only exist under the California sun. I'm sure you can be happy at Harvard as well.</p>
<p>On top of that, you get a full ride to Harvard. You're getting the brand name in education for the great price of absolutely nothing. Without the financial burdens faced by most students in large public schools, what more can you ask for?</p>
<p>UCSD: A large, public, somewhat costly, second tier UC school with "strong sciences" - UCSD is only strong in the biosciences, even in the biosciences, it's not as strong as most people make it out to be. It's only distinguished because its biosciences are much stronger than its humanities/social sciences.</p>
<p>Harvard: A small, private, free, top school in the world that can give you opportunities that many can only dream of. And even if you don't like the atmosphere after attending for a year, you can consider transferring from Harvard. I'm sure you won't have that much problem getting transfer admissions.</p>
<p>You're getting a free ride to Harvard and you're considering NOT going there? Um....this seems like a no-brainer to me.</p>
<p>Oh...I forgot you got in with a full ride...in that case, I agree-there's no way you can't pick Harvard in this case. Unless if you're dying to go to SD...</p>
<p>Free ride to Harvard = you should go there. Especially pre-law. And psych. And Harvard is Harvard. HARVARD!!!!!!! You can enjoy the beach during spring break and the summer...</p>
<p>woops didn’t see that there were 3 pages.</p>
<p>go to ucsd. you already sound like you dont want to go to harvard for undergrad, dont force yourself. </p>
<p>i dont know the name of the study, but i read an article about how if you enjoy your college experience you are 20% more likely to be successful in your field. go to ucsd and enjoy yourself, but dont lose sight of your goals. get a rockin’ GPA and go to harvard for law school (if you can get outright accepted into harvard out of high school than i would expect you have the ability to get accepted into law no problem come time).</p>
<p>dont fight your heart. do what feels right and go to sd. if your parents dont understand, than do it yourself with loans. either way, and education from harvard OR ucsd is prime, so you dont really lose out of anything</p>
<p>btw this post is from 07.</p>
<p>“The next biggest reason to go to Harvard is the prestige. However, UCSD is skyrocketing up the rankings and newsweek called us the “hottest school for science.” What matters is the prestige of the college in 10 years when you’re applying for a job, not the prestige right now. Anyway, prestige is way overrated. Don’t care what other people think about your college.”</p>
<p>I couldn’t agree more. I too faced a difficult choice between UCSD, Berkeley, and UChicago but I chose UCSD ultimately. Go where you want to go and where you think you’ll be happiest. Good luck,</p>
<p>If your parents make less than 40k a year, you’ll have a tough time paying for school at UCSD. A full ride at Harvard? I don’t know anybody who would turn that down. I wouldn’t have.</p>
<p>not if they’re a california resident:[UC</a> Blue and Gold Opportunity](<a href=“http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/blueandgold/]UC”>Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan | UC Admissions)
<p>Well in that case, Havard Hopeful, get that scholarship, go to UCSD if that’s what you really want. I’m also assuming you’ve visited both campuses. If you haven’t, definitely do it, cause of course everything about UCSD is going to seem really attractive with weather and the beach and stuff, but if you visit the campus and don’t like it, well then that’s what it is. Not saying it’s not great, but just make sure it’s what you want. =)</p>
<p>Again, this POST IS FROM 2007. :)</p>
<p>Ha ha. Oops. I completely looked over that.</p>