UCSD Revelle Honors Program or UCB L&S MCB?

<p>Today I received a letter from Revelle saying that I was accepted to the Honors Program...and up until now was decided on Cal. Supposing I want to do biochem/mcb/bioE, then which place would be a better option? Would Honors at UCSD offer greater chances for networking/research/advising that wouldn't be available for a normal, non-regents admit at Berkeley? </p>

<p>I got the impression that the honors program for freshmen at ucsd revelle would only really matter for the first year, since more students are admitted to it based on their college GPA. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's the case, would that extra year of seminars/lectures/meetings with faculty put one at a jump start for research and internships? I had (have) my heart set on Berkeley, but i'm wondering if ucsd would be a more pragmatic option (i'm from sd btw). </p>

<p>Is honors at revelle worth it, if looking at it from a grad school viewpoint, or will those opportunities be available at berkeley too? I realize that little will fall into my lap at berkeley, and i'll have to pursue all opportunities, but does ucsd honors really give one an edge, or it's just a feel-good sort of thing? heh. I don't doubt that the in-class education at either place will be similar, so that's not the issue, and competition at Revelle and Cal would also be similar. SD does have Scripps/Salk/other big bio research places and companies though. I also want to do humanities..</p>

<p>Wah. I dunno. Please..some input ? :)</p>

<p>are you in bioE at ucsd? if you aren't there's no way of transferring in unless you want to do bioE pre med. For ucb transferring into bioE is going to be really difficult because of how competitive it is.</p>

<p>bioE premed? for me, that's like academic suicide... two ultra competitive and difficult programs/majors.</p>