<p>Where do you plan to stay and what kind of deal?</p>
<p>Are you going Greek or joining any clubs?</p>
<p>Major and Undergraduate College?</p>
<p>Have you lived in San Diego before?</p>
<p>Describe yourself and how you feel about going to UCSD in 5 sentences or less.</p>
<p>Just copy that, paste it and put in your responses.</p>
<p>I'll start.</p>
<p>Where do you plan to stay and what kind of deal?</p>
<p>I was originally going to stay where I'm at. One room in a house for $550 a month, utilities included. And then I realized how lacking my social life at UCSD will be from being off campus, so I decided to apply to Village. Then today, my brother in law informed me that his cousin owns a complex right next to UCSD and she's going to rent me a full one bedroom apartment for $600 a month. </p>
<p>Are you going Greek or joining any clubs?</p>
<p>I'm thinking of joining a club. I'm not encouraged by the "rush" and hazing process. I wanna join a culturally diverse club and a science field related club. Hoping to become more active and get involved in campus life. I'll probably pursue clubs directly rather than waiting to be approached.</p>
<p>Major and Undergraduate College?</p>
<p>Bio-Engineering Biotechnology. John Muir. Thinking of trying to get into Nanoengineering Bioengineering in 2011-2012.</p>
<p>Have you lived in San Diego before?</p>
<p>I lived here when I turned 19, moved back home and then came back here to San Diego when I was 24 to go back to school. I know a lot about this city and lived all over.</p>
<p>Describe yourself and how you feel about going to UCSD in 5 sentences or less.</p>
<p>I'm very excited because UCSD has been a part of my life before and I never answered questions about it. As soon as I majored in engineering, I had been told of how great of a school UCSD is and how I should try to pursue my options there. I'm nervous because of the mentioned culture bias (I'm Hispanic and we only make up 12% of students there) but I'm hoping I'll mesh well with open minded Asian and White students along with my Hispanic coeds.</p>