Ucsd, Ucla, Calpoly, Caltech

<p>Hi everyone,</p>

<p>I'm just wondering... what are my chances of getting into these institutions?</p>

<p>Here are my current qualifications:</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 (Overall; up to but not including senior year)</p>

<p>Took all science and math honors courses throughout high school career. With other courses, I just took the regular course offered.</p>

<p>SAT I: Math: 640 Verbal 570 (I know I could have done better, but I'm no good at tests; I always panic and end up doing badly.)</p>

<p>SAT II: Math IIC: 620, Writing: 580, Biology: 680 (Same situation here)</p>

<p>I know the colleges won't care that I don't usually do good on tests, but what can I say.</p>

<p>Currently taking 3 AP courses, and have a 4.0 GPA. (Senior year)</p>

<p>Volunteered at the local library for the past year
As for school clubs, I'm involved in "Key club"</p>

<p>Major I'm shooting for: Computer Science</p>

<p>I would appreciate any/all of your comments</p>

<p>Thanks and regards,

<p>UCLA: Reach
UCSD: Reach
Cal Poly: Match
Caltech: Super Reach</p>

<p>So, from what you're saying, the only place I have a chance is Cal Poly. That's funny since I was looking at that school as my backup...</p>

<p>I know I can succeed at any of the universities I listed, it's just that my test scores are ruining it for me. Is there any way I can prove to them that I would do well at their institution?</p>

<p>Any other suggestions appreciated</p>

<p>Another school you may want to consider is the University of San Diego (USD). It has a very good reputation, a nice size (an enrollment of roughly 7,000), and one of the most beautiful campuses on the west coast. Last year, it opened an amazing new science and technology center, which will be greatly aid the schoolÂ’s computer science department. USD is private, but generous with financial aid.</p>

<p>Caltech 191 new undergards last year you need atleast 700 on both math tests to have a real chance.</p>

<p>What other institutions in California (preferably close to San DIego) would you think would be good for someone who is planning on majoring in Computer Science?</p>

<p>Is that gpa weighted or unweighted? If it is weighted, you are below all the gpa and SAT averages for the 4 schools you listed. I can't really say you are a match for any of them. Take a look at USD and LMU in Socal.</p>

<p>Ucsd=safety!!!! Safety!!!</p>

<p>Yeah, your chances at Caltech are about .00000000000000000000000000001%.</p>

<p>No offense, but unless you got an 800 on both math tests your chances are about zero.</p>

<p>Reading what everyone posts here is extremely depressing... After posting here I have absolutely no hope left for attending college at a respected institution at all. My main goal was UCSD because of their strong CS program, but who knows... I just want to get done with college so I can get on with my life. All this competing is getting to my head, I mean when you think about it, it all seems so pointless. Someone can score a perfect 4.0 and not be good at practical thinking but methodical thinking instead (making the grade...) Just because of this, they get a chance of going to a better university than everybody else. The system is extremely flawed (No, I'm not saying this just because I'm one of the ones who aren't way up there). Right now I'm just going to give it my best shot. What else can I say:</p>

<p>Thank you all for responding,</p>

<p>Kindest Regards,

<p>I agree with everyone else. UCLA and UCSD are both huge reaches(especially UCLA). CalTech is almost impossible to get into. You have a decent shot at CalPoly, but if you list computer science as your intended major your chances will decrease alot. I would list "undecided." You should really look at another school such as USD or Cal Poly Ponoma. There both not CalTech's but they still are good schools.</p>

<p>USD and LMU are VERY respectable institutions. I think both are matches, and you can get in. I agree that you also have a decent shot at cal poly, it's just that your SAT's and gpa are a little below the averages. Thats the reason I said you weren't a match for the school. By the way, "undecided" is not available at Cal Poly. Majors must be declared with the app.</p>