UCSD UCLA UC Berk + Georgetown and JHU

<p>hey guys just wondering how Id do admissions wise with sd la berk g'town and jhu</p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.125
UnWGPA: 3.81

<p>Sat : 770M 730CR 700W 12:E 2200Total
Sat II: 730 M 740 Chm 770 Ush
APs: 5s on all
Rank: 5-6th percentile
School Competition: relatively competitive
Course load: hardest possible </p>

VP FBLA (member for all years)
Treas. Mock Trial (member for two years)
Prez/capt improv team (member for three years)
prez/capt soccer team ("member" for all years")
Act in large scale productions
Prez/shift leader of hospital junior auxiliary (625 hours and counting)
Financial manager of Robotics Team
Financial manager of Drama department </p>

<p>Attended a summer program at UCSD regarding global economics and its role in pandemic prevention</p>

<p>Awards and Recognitions
6th regionally job interview fbla
3rd regionally entrepreneurship fbla
2nd regionally business ethics fbla
4th state wide business ethics fbla
1st state wide business management fbla freshman yr
1st state wide business management fbla soph yr
1st state wide business management fbla junior yr
9th nationally business management (400+ competitors)
3rd nationally business management (370+ competitors)
1st place in Bay-Area wide "tech challenge"
Several District wide soccer awards* (not sure if this is important or not) </p>

<p>UC Irvine - neuroscience
UC Davis - neuroscience
UCSD-neuroscience or econ major
UCLA- econ major
UC Berk- econ major
Georgetown - Business/international health
JHU- Econ major
USC- Marshall School of business
Cornell- AEM (econ+business program)
NYU- Stern </p>

<p>Any help at all will be verryyy much appreciated. Also if you have any other schools that you think I would fit well into please let me know. Feel free to skip any schools you are not familiar with. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>Im instate for Cali and am really concerned about my gpa because ...well its relatively low for LA and Berk (both of whose averages are at like 4.2-4.3). Anyone know how my gpa will play into UC admissions?</p>

<p>hellpppp please!!!</p>

<p>In to all except Cornell/UCLA/Georgetown=Waitlist</p>

<p>thanks for the input so far …anyone else?</p>


<p>i say you’re pretty solid for all of them. i think you’ll get in but wouldnt’ be surprised if you got waitlisted at georgetown or UCLA. since you and 20000 other students will have the same grades, it comes down to luck…</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/947599-3-7-gpa-transfer-where-can-i-get-into.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/947599-3-7-gpa-transfer-where-can-i-get-into.html&lt;/a&gt;

<p>UC Irvine - Safety
UC Davis - Safety
UC Berk- Match/Slight Reach I got in with worse but it’s a competitive admission and there will be many others with better scores than you.<br>
Georgetown - (I don’t know enough about it to give a chance)
JHU- Match
USC- Match
Cornell- Match/Slight Reach
NYU- Match/Reach because Stern is so competitive.</p>

<p>thanks so far!!! Bummpppp any advice in the Georgetown area?</p>