UCSD vs Cal State Long Beach

Hi everyone.

I got accepted into UCSD and Cal Long Beach for this fall.

For UCSD, I got in as a international studies: international business major.

For Cal Long Beach, I got in as a business administration major.

I’ve been to UCSD and I love the campus. However, I don’t know if the major I’ll be going in as is useful for future employment. Also, I don’t fully understand what it even is.

With Long Beach, I know what I’m getting into and I know its something useful.

So my question is, which school should I go for business?

And. what will you learn as a international studies: int. business major at UCSD?

Thanks for reading.

Both schools are very good and neither will hurt your employment prospects. As long as they are both affordable, go where you think you’ll be most comfortable as a student.

As for the content of the International Biz program at UCSD - Google is your friend.


You have 2 great options = decide and move on.

Good luck.

I can’t give you much insight into UCSD except that very few UCs have very few and VERY specialized business majors. LBSU is known for a strong business college with various majors and minors (including intl bus). I say LBSU