Ucsd vs. Ucsb

<p>what are the pros and cons to these schools.</p>

<p>I can’t seem to decide which is a better choice, SD is better academically but I heard the social scene doesn’t compare to SB</p>

<p>any opinions?</p>

<p>you seem to have answered your own question</p>

<p>^Yep, that’s all you need to know.</p>

<p>UCSB is ranked 42 and UCSD is ranked 35 and as well as the Top Three UC’s of the UC system. The other two being Berkeley and LA.
UCSB is pretty good with the social scene but not so much on the academics I would guess, but UCSD has BOTH good academic standing and a good social scene. It’s by the beach! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>But of course, those are just the general info on them. It really depends on your major. I don’t know much about SB but SD is pretty good with bioengineering and other science-related majors.</p>

<p>UC Socially Dead.</p>

<p>Personally I’d choose UCSD over UCSB, because overall UCSD is more prestigious(hehe im bitter since i got rejected from SB XD) and although UCSB is a beautiful campus and all (probably best looking campus) It’s far away from other places :(. It’s like 2-3 hours from LA and like 4-5 from the bay area. (Guessing -.-)</p>

<p>Life at UCSB may be more interesting though :D. I have to say UCSB is one of the most underrated UC <.<.</p>

<p>It’s far away from other places . It’s like 2-3 hours from LA and like 4-5 from the bay area. (Guessing -.-)</p>

<p>That’s an advantage in my opinion. Unlike most UCs, you get a mix of people from everywhere in California, and almost no one goes home on the weekends because home is farther away (only 7% of UCSB students come from the local SLO/SB/Ventura counties). As a result, campus life is very active and Isla Vista always has something going on during the weekends. It’s very easy to make friends, people are nice, and most other UCs don’t have anything remotely similar to Isla Vista as an off-campus gathering place for the college aged crowd.</p>

<p>You should be happy about getting into UCSD though, it’s a great school in a beautiful area.</p>

<p>^ I agree, a lot of people end up leaving on the weekends at ucsd or commute so it’s dead on the weekends even more so… La Jolla is not really a college town.</p>

<p>UCSD - great school, great atmosphere. better ranking than UCSB. As for the “socially dead” comment by andrewxd, I think that is more personal preference based. I know some people down there who like it down there but I also know people who absolutely hates it there. </p>

<p>UCSB - I attend UCD right now, and in a way wish I would have at least considered this University. Definitely underrated.</p>

<p>Hi everyone! I’ve just been accepted at both UCSD and UCSB as a Communication Major and I was wondering if you had any more words of wisdom for me as I’m struggling to choose.</p>

<p>Here’s the thing: I know that UCSB has a much larger/interactive social scene, but I’m pretty confident that I could be happy wherever I would go. I’m a very social person and I like to have a good time-- but I don’t value partying over academics. And for that reason I am leaning towards UCSD…</p>

<p>But on the other hand, I am a very social person and I realize that it’s an extremely important aspect of college which makes me lean towards SB?</p>

<p>So what do you all think?</p>