<p>The University of Florida logo is receiving a makeover this summer. Beginning today, UF will adopt a refreshed university signature and launch new identity and graphic standards to promote additional consistency in the visual communications produced by the university.</p>
<p>The new UF signature represents the evolution of the previous seal and wordmark while providing a bold new direction for the university, said Joe Hice, associate vice president for the Office of University Relations.</p>
<p>Two elements work together to create the updated official logo: The UF monogram and the Florida wordmark dominate the signature because they are the terms that most concisely distinguish the University of Florida from other universities, Hice said. The UF monogram has more of a visual impact than the seal on todays communications.</p>
<p>The primary color for the UF signature is blue with orange used as the complementary color. The signature also may appear in black and white if blue and orange are not available. </p>
<p>Secondary signatures have been developed for colleges, units, departments, schools, administration, centers, institutes and extended campus units for various publication needs. According to the new standards, unique logos, seals or wordmarks used by different branches of the university may be used only if they are long-standing representations of the departments and approved by the university.</p>
<p>Karen Willis, director of marketing, said the change was born of a need for a clear and more distinguishable logo and to ensure that the value associated with the previous signature would carry over. For these reasons the university decided to give the logo a facelift rather than a complete redesign.</p>
<p>We sent out a call for a design and received more than 60 designs from graphic artists on campus, she said. The Marketing Communications Committee reviewed the designs and selected the new signature.</p>
<p>To promote sustainability and prevent waste, existing supplies with the previous seal and wordmark may be used until August 2007, but all new projects and orders should incorporate the new signature. The official university seal will be reserved only for formal applications, such as diplomas and awards.</p>