UF Grad school

<p>Hey guys, I just recently got rejected from UF for undergraduate admission but it’s been my dream to go to UF since I was 5 years old and I am not ready to give up yet. My question to you guys is how hard is it to get into Grad school at UF, specifically business (Warrington)… I currently plan on going to the University of Arizona and majoring in Business Management(top 20 Business program) and I was wondering what kind of grades you think it would take to get into grad school at UF. Also would the fact that my parents will be in state residents in FL by the time I graduate U of A help with my admission because I will still technically be living in FL and be considered as in state?
Thanks in advance and Go Gators!!</p>

<p>Light speed, we know you got rejected from Florida, so stop fighting back. Let it go!</p>

<p>GatorBait: Keep a solid GPA (I would say 3.6+) and try to get some work experience with companies and I think you should be good.</p>

<p>its kinda humorous haha, what possible reason would someone have to come on this forum and offer such a thoughtless point such as that.</p>

<p>in fact, every single one of his 9 posts have been **** talk in THIS forum and no other school. </p>


<p>First of all there is nearly 50,000 students 34,000 being undergraduate and the rest graduate second of all light speed you never took stats. The numbers are confounding the reason why UF has so many students is state size UCF, FSU, and FIU have a lot of students as well. I know New York, Texas, and California have huge populations as well. You're right but, and the but is always important, they have a much higher number of universities per population than the state of Florida. If UF keeps getting the best students in the state there is no doubt it will get better. </p>

<p>P.S. With all that ill will for the Gators I suggest you never come work in Florida because every body knows what you call a Gator in Florida "Your Boss" something NEU won’t give I guarantee.</p>

Also would the fact that my parents will be in state residents in FL by the time I graduate U of A help with my admission because I will still technically be living in FL and be considered as in state?


<p>My D is a senior at U of AZ and applied to Levin. The requirements are to be an out of state student at Zona, to do everything to establish legal residency in FL (Drivers License and Voter Card), and make sure your parents still list you as a dependent. I had to send in a copy of my taxes as proof that she was my dependent and the Florida resident paperwork in MY name. It is up to UF to decide if you are a resident.</p>

<p>I know you need for Levin 3.5 ugpa and 158 LSAT. You will need to take GREs beside the ugpa for the other school. Every school will require GREs, MCATs or LSATs.</p>

<p>And you thought no more high stakes tests.</p>

<p>The median GMAT score is a 680. Study for the GMAT, have a 3.2+ GPA ,~680 on the GMAT and 2 years of good solid eperience with a reccomendation from a boss and your chances are great. I know schools say the GMAT is only 1 factor but believe me, if you score ~ a 700, your chances at Florida will be VERY good reguardless of GPA.</p>

<p>afa81 thanks alot about the residency info....And tomslawsky thanks for the stat info...my one question is the two years of work a must? any chance i could get in right out of U of A?</p>