UF National Reputation Among Fortune 500 Companies and MSF Program

I’m going to become a freshmen at UF studying Industrial & Systems Engineering this upcoming fall. Even though I’m studying Systems Engineering, I’m really interested in Business and applying to the MSF Program at Warrington Graduate Business School where I can obtain my Bachelor’s in ISE and Master’s Degree in Fianance in 4 years. Does anyone know the strength of the MSF Program at UF and specifically notable placements it has? What’s is the MSF’s Program acceptance rate? Also in the eyes Fortune 500 , how strong is a Business degree from UF? I know that in the past UF was considered just a regular State Flagship school, but now it has climbed up the polls as a top Public University. What universities is UF most comparable to? Am I better off completing my UF undergrad degree in 4 years and then applying to a better graduate Business program like Stanford, Harvard, UVA, or UChicago or is Warrington reputable enough that I can get job offers wherever I apply?

Also for UF graduates, do a lot of them end at Ivy League or Ivy League caliber graduate schools? I just want to know if there are any hard statistics that can approve or disprove this because I heard a rumor that 70% of UF working inside of Florida and almost 90% stay in the Southeastern part of the US.