UF President Machen's Strategic Work Plan. --Very long but informative

<p>Here is the link:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.president.ufl.edu/workPlan.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.president.ufl.edu/workPlan.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Many of President Machen's goals are excellent. Some, however, are very misguided. He appears to be much too heavily influenced in the politically correct department. We will continue to see better prepared, better qualified students discriminated against in order to achieve his dubious goals of gender and racial diversity. The overall quality and ranking of the school will suffer as a result.</p>

<p>I agree with you FLboy. It seems like we are already doing an outstanding job in this department. It's obvious that we have more pressing issues than just diversity issues. </p>

<p>"The University of Florida is ranked 2nd overall in the total number of Bachelor Degrees awarded to African Americans, and 3rd overall for Hispanics. In addition UF ranks 5th overall in total number of Doctoral Degrees awarded to African Americans, and 2nd overall for Hispanics. Lastly UF ranks 3rd overall in total number of Professional Degrees awarded to African Americans, and 1st overall for Hispanics."</p>

<p>SSobick, before some here get bent out of shape, I should clarify...</p>

<p>It's not that I don't agree that the goals of improving gender diversity in science and engineering and improving racial diversity aren't worthy goals; They are. It's just that they shouldn't be President Machen's highest priorities. As you pointed out, much more than adequate progress has been made in these areas. The best way to improve these areas even more is to focus resources on much younger students, in which case it's not something that Machen should be concerned with. Merely slotting in students into college-level positions to cure perceived gender or racial disparities is ineffective and, since other students are harmed, is morally wrong.</p>