UF research

<p>I was just wondering how easy it is or how hard it is to get research opportunities at UF. The impression I have, at least compared to the one I have about UM is that since it is in Ganisville, and therefore doesnt have a medical center like the one UM has, that research is a little limited. Again, it is just the impression I have it might be completely wrong. Can someone tell me about their experience getting research (in biology, micro, neuro) at UF? How difficult is it, how good is it etc. </p>

<p>Also, regarding volunteering and shadowing, is UF at a disadvantage agains UM since UM has more than 3 hospitals in the area whereas UF only has Shands? How difficult is it to get shadowing oppotunties?</p>

<p>With that said, if anyone has any input on the pre med experince at UF, that would also be greatly appriciated. </p>

<p>Thank you so much!</p>

<p>I can’t answer all your questions, but I can comment and say that that Shands is not the only hospital in Gainesville. Theres also a veterans hospital and just a general hospital i believe.</p>

<p>Yeah, you’re definitely wrong with your impression about research and shadowing opportunities at UF. There was no limit to the number projects that were available. I had a hard time picking what I wanted to do more. As for shadowing, its not about volume. Its about meaningful experience with a few doctors because one of the goals is to get a letter of recommendation from one of them that will state positive qualities about you and your motivation to pursue medicine. </p>

<p>[url=&lt;a href=“http://www.mbi.ufl.edu/]McKnight”&gt;http://www.mbi.ufl.edu/]McKnight</a> Brain Institute<a href=“great%20starting%20place,%20if%20you%20want%20to%20do%20neuro%20research”>/url</a></p>