UF vs Tulane?! Help please

Hi so I am very torn between Tulane and UF. I am planning on going the Biological Science route, and hopefully following a premed track. Yet, engineering is also a possibility and so is genetics. So my major is up in the air right now, but I don’t even know where I’m going yet :slight_smile:
Tulane Pros: 32,000 year scholarship (presidential) + $5,500 loan, honors college, NOLA!!, good reputation, smaller school
Cons: Still more expensive than UF…
UF Pros: Ranking is similar to Tulane, Florida Prepaid, good for science biology majors
Cons: Less exciting than Tulane, bigger school
So my main question is; would it be worth paying more to go to Tulane when UF seems to have just as good of a reputation? Or do you think that Tulane is worth the money?
If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it :slight_smile:

How much more is Tulane? My D loved it, but (with same awards as you), I’m finding it impossible to justify. It is ver appealing though.

seems to be about $20,000-25,000 more per year

It’s going to be hard justifying $20K+ a year for Tulane over UF.

Florida Prepaid can be used to help pay tuition at Tulane, but it’s not that much since it’s based on in-state tuition rates.

I do love those French quarter restaurants…

I agree, the cost is too much more. You are talking 80-100k–not pretend money.

If you can afford it go to Tulane. Great pre med. if costs will be an issue, go to Florida.

My daughter went out of state, and her FL prepaid doesn’t cover what it would if she went in state. For example, tuition is approx. $6,300 for a FL state school. FL prepaid sends a tad over $5,000 to her school. And I also had purchased 2 years of housing. Keep in mind that private school housing (on campus) is MUCH pricier than UF dorms. Of course it all depends on the location. I’m sure NOLA has higher housing costs than Gainesville.

I’d be hard-pressed to pick Tulane over UF . . . the clincher is that it is more expensive and UF is objectively the better school (?).

If parents were willing to foot the difference, OK - the decision can be made on “soft” factors. But to go into debt for Tulane? No.