UFL or Brown

<p>My best friend is major in chemistry and he received the offer from UFL and Brown. The rank of the chem. department of UFL IS 36 and Brown is 58. Definitely, Chem. Department of UFL is bigger and better than Brown. However, we all know Brown is one member of IVY and it is famous. Which one should he choose? Thank you!</p>

<p>Brown 4 sure!</p>

<p>Private unis will feel the pinch more as the recession worsens. Why? There’s a Democratic govt increasing taxes on the elite (who donate large sums), disposable income in higher income groups is plummeting with the fall of Modoff and other kingpins and bailouts (more can be expected) are likely to boast endowments of public bigwigs like UFL.</p>

<p>So the choice is quite clear. UFL all the way!!!</p>