<p>Engineering BTW
If my app is not yet completed, it should be in the next week or so</p>
<p>White male from LI
Mich GPA: 3.93
Rank: 6/375 from an average public school
SAT : 740 V 690 M 640 W (11 essay) I suck at the mult choice
SAT IIs: US 710 Chem 720</p>
<p>APs Ive taken: US Hist 4 / Chem 4 / Comp Sci A 4 / Eng Lang 3
I will have taken 10 APs by grad</p>
<p>Awards/Honors, nothing special
Published website for local mortgage company
Placed in county-wide Math League competition
Placed 3rd in Animation Competition
Science Honor Society
Principal's Gold Letter
AP Scholar
High Honor Roll</p>
<p>ECs, again, nothing too spectacular
Small Web Design Business (Websites / Java applications) 9/10/11/12
Electrical Engineering Internship at BIT Corp 11
Math League 10/11/12
Church Youth Group 10/11/12
S.T.A.R.S (comm/school service club) 10/11/12
Summer Camp Counselor 10/11
Volunteer at Doctor's office 9/10/11/12
Tutor 11
The Physics Society 12
NHS 11/12
Foreign Language HS 9/10/11/12</p>
<p>I get the feeling I'm going to be deferred...
I guess it is worth mentioning that I wasn't in honors level math courses for 9th/10th grade (scheduling), but I took a class at a community college during 11th, and made it to AP Calc in 12th.
Assume average to above average Recs/Essays</p>