Uh oh! Help?

<p>So, I sent in my common app to Barnard awhile back, but I thought that when I submitted it that my supplement questions were also sent.</p>

<p>Just now I was confused as to why the common app website indicated that I haven’t completed the full Barnard application yet, and I realized that there is a separate method for sending in the supplement. I immediately pressed the button to send it, but now I’m really worried…</p>

<p>Is this okay? Will they still accept the supplement even though it’s 3 days late?</p>

<p>I would call Barnard ASAP.</p>

<p>Yes, call the admissions office ASAP and tell them what happened. It’s all you can do at this point. Worst case, perhaps they might put you in the RD pile?? Just ask them.</p>

<p>Best to you!</p>