Hey everyone. I know UIUC has a reputation for not always giving the best aid, but I’m wondering if anyone knows if they’re generous for instate low income kids. Thanks!
Then, how do they help out their students? Is it worth applying then?
Then, how do they help out their students?
They really don’t. Most students’ families pay or their parents take out big loans. However, most parents won’t take out big loans because they can’t afford to or can’t qualify.
Run the NPC on UIUC and see what the results are. If your family can’t afford what you’d have to pay, then probably look elsewhere.
You’ll probably get a small Pell Grant, maybe a small IL grant, a little bit of work study, and the rest a big Parent Plus loan. Since you’re low income, then your parents probably can’t do that.
Does Illinois have free community college? The cheapest way would be CC and then transferring and commuting to UIUC if you are close enough. UIUC is such a good school that the final degree would be valuable.
Plug in your data here:
if you already have your FAFSA EFC, it will be pretty accurate.
If you dont you can try the fafsa spreadsheet I have posted.