Our Son is debating between the UIUC Gies vs. Kelley Honors vs. Ross BBA @ Michigan. He would be instate in Illinois. Getting scholarships at Gies and Kelley Honors. Likes all three campuses/student life. Kelley would be ~$40k more compared to Gies and Ross would be ~$160K more compared to Gies. In fact Michigan would be ~$280K in total costs for 4 years. Fortunately, even thought it will sting, we can afford it. However, Is Ross worth the premium is our big question? Wants to stay in Chicago area long term. Not sure about Investment Banking or Consulting or Entrepreneurship/other as career path yet. Welcome all input on whether the premium is worth it.
Not worth that huge of a premium. Even if he wants IB or MC, he can get there from both UIUC or Kelley. May take a little extra effort but that effort is a lot less than $160k.
Thanks for the input -it is hard to justify the big premium.
Was wondering how MBB recruiting is at Ross vs. Geiss - not sure if Ross has an advantage there or not.
Recruiting will be better at Ross as Ross is a target for MBB. But you can still get an interview from Geis. Join the consulting club, maintain a high GPA, get involved on campus, and network.
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Thanks for the input. Our S is Likely the type that goes with the flow and is bent on Michigan/Ross. So will likely bite the bullet and we can fortunately afford it.