UIUC vs Wisconsin-Madison

I am an international student who got accepted at UIUC and UWM. I am confused which one I should choose so it would be great if you could give your opinions and would really appreciate if you could give reasons for your choice.
The tuition is almost same for both the schools but it would be nice if someone could tell me about the chances of getting scholarships for international students.
Also, I am looking to major in math.

When looking at schools, obviously education quality comes first. They are both large universitys with very similar ranking math departments. That defers the decision to campus preference

I have visit both and absolutely fell in love with Madison. Urbana and Champlaign, not so much. Wisconsin’s campus is stunning and vibrant while Illinois did not feel special at all. The school spirit and community is much higher at Wisconsin.

After visiting both, I even decided not to apply to UIUC even though I had the stats. I will be attending Wisconsin next year.

Don’t count on receiving any financial aid. Did you apply for any scholarships?


Madison’s a great college town! My daughter wouldn’t apply to UIUC due to location. Academically both are great choices.

We have the same problems, and have arranged a visit for both schools next month.

Both can give an excellent academic education. Cost may be your deciding factor. The campuses- physically and culturally- differ. None of us can tell you which atmosphere most appeals to you. Do not count on any aid as a foreign student. Check with the associations for your country that exist on each campus with questions- check the school website for organizations. There is a website page for international students with info. btw- foreign/international- I refuse to play the politically correct game (my H is from India).