I've applied to 5 places in UK - York, Bath, Bristol, Southampton, and Lancaster, and 4 in Australia - Melbourne, Sydney, ANU and Monash.</p>
<p>I'm doing a computer science undergrad.</p>
<p>I didn't think I had too much of a shot in getting in these places,
but I've gotten offers from Melbourne, Sydney, York and Southampton.
I'm not thinking of Southampton, as it was a safety option.</p>
<p>I'm torn between Melbourne and York mainly right now, and it will be worse if I get ANU and Bath and Bristol.</p>
<p>I want to know which country is better suited for me - an Indian.
I've heard of incidents of violence against Indians in Australia in 2008-09, but I've also heard that it was blown out of proportion as well.
But I guess the uni and course itself is more important than the place.</p>
<p>I'm really considering Melbourne and York.
I've heard good and bad about the 'Melbourne Model'
Be nice if someone could clear that up too :P
Can someone tell me which is the best of all these, and which country is better too :P</p>
<p>Where do you want to work after you graduate? Will one of these universities make it easier for you to get a job in your home country? If you don’t want to return to your home country, which of these countries has a work-visa or immigration policy that is better for you?</p>
<p>Also consider where you would most like to live. Melbourne is a big city and much more cosmopolitan than York. It’s also mostly very hot. Most Melbourne uni students live at home with their parents. I am not sure where foreign students live.</p>
<p>York is a small and ancient city in the north of England. The university is on a modern campus at the edge of the city and most students live in campus for the first year, and in private rented accommodation (houses in the city owned by private landlords) after that. Given that you have also chosen Bath and lancaster, it seems you may be looking for a small campus univeristy in a small town? All these are similar. York at least is flat.</p>
<p>I highly suspect living in York will be a lot more expensive than Melbourne. Are you going to hate it if it is cold?</p>
<p>Nearly every other person seems in Yorkshire seems to be Indian/Pakistani, apart from in York itself. I don’t know why that is though. I don’t think there is such a high percentage of Indians in Australia compared to the UK. However, Melbourne is a very diverse city,as most large cities are, and I am sure you would be able to connect to fellow Indians there. </p>
<p>Is it easier and/or cheapr to travel to one of these places compared to the other for you?</p>
<p>It’s hard to make any comments about racism as, as you pointed out, incidents can be blown out of proportion. on the other hand, in a place were rascism was the norm it might go unreported as people find it more acceptable. So no reports do not mean no racism (google Indian student shot in Manchester. An equally horrifying story to the Melbourne one. All I can say is I have witnesses racist incidents (but no violence) in both the UK and Australia unfortunately, but this does not reprersent the majority view and this doesn’t mean it will happen to you. You will definitely not be the only minority in either place.</p>
<p>I have actually lived in both York and Melbourne (Masters student at York for 1 year, researcher at Melborune uni the year before that). Didn’t really love either. Melbourne too hot and I felt lots of problems for women in the workplace in Australia. York uni didn’t treat grad students well in my opinion, and I was quite lonely there.</p>