UM for physics/math?

<p>Firstly, how are these Ugrad programs? Because overall UM is ranked very highly however it appears (from my research) that in the hard sciences and maths that UM is lacking.
And quickly, what would my chances for admission be with 4.0 GPA and 29 ACT?
Thanks a lot any help is appreciated.</p>

<p>I know a lot of kids majoring in applied physics and math at UM that are very happy. 29 is right above their minimum requirement for non- athletes (28) so as long as you have an A- GPA and good RECs you should be ok.</p>

<p>I double majored in physics and applied math when I did my undergrad at UM. I’m in a top 3 graduate school now for optics (lots of physics kids) and I can tell you that academically you will be very well prepared (compared to most other programs across the country). The professors are excellent and are very available.</p>

<p>The downside (in the physics dept in particular) is that several (maybe 50%) of the professors are brilliant theorists - so if you are looking to get into research it’s out there but you’ll have to look/ask around. Don’t be afraid to venture into the engineering building to find projects that are interesting to you.</p>

<p>Just as a side note - rankings for the physical sciences (math/physics) really matters when looking at graduate schools. For undergrad I can wholeheartedly recommend UM because most of the profs are pretty good teachers and will personally sit down and help you (not dump you off to grad students - which happens in other schools, but is not always a bad thing. TAs are extremely useful).</p>