UM vs. FSU

<p>I'm so confused. I'm coming from penn state and wasn't a fan of how big the school was. I've heard FSU has one of the friendliest campuses in the nation, and the opposite about Miami. I'm a very very laid back chill person, and not really into the whole money thing. I've seen a whole bunch of videos about Miami all over the web, and all seem REALLY positive about the impressive academics. If there is someone on here who currently goes to UM that can "sell" the school for me, it would be greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>There are a lot of old threads about this. Do some searching.</p>

<p>There is a false stereotype out there about UM. It IS a very friendly campus and was rated #1 in the country by Princeton review for:</p>

<p>Lots of Race/Class Interaction
Do different types of students (Black/White, rich/poor) interact frequently and easily?</p>

<p>[Test</a> Prep: GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, SAT, ACT, and More](<a href=“Lots of Race/Class Interaction | The Princeton Review”>Lots of Race/Class Interaction | The Princeton Review)</p>

<p>Lots of laid back/chill kids, lots of kids on scholarship. Also rich kids as it is a private and costs big bucks. </p>

<p>Here is an old thread that goes into the argument:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you need to sell yourself on your school choice. What is bothering you the most about Penn State? If it’s the size then FSU is going to be more of the same. If you haven’t already, I suggest visiting both campuses when they are in session, otherwise you’re really running the risk of going through this all over again next year.</p>

<p>P.S. Friendliness is a personal perception. If you get to FSU or Miami and immediately make 3 friends, you’ll view either place positively. If it takes you two months to make a friend, you’ll view it negatively.</p>

<p>I like the PS from Vince. My feeling is: A school is only as big as your group of friends.</p>

<p>Son is at Miami. Nice normal kid if I say so myself.
Joining a frat helps as you will have an automatic group of friends. (This is at Miami or any school if you want to meet people and improve your social life.)</p>

<p>Great school. Great academics. Great campus. Lots going on outside/around campus.<br>
Go visit during the week while kids are at classes and milling around.</p>

<p>PM me for specifics if you want.</p>

It was mostly the freezing weather and I had some really bad teachers (maybe just bad luck?). I’m from socal so not a big fan of freezing temps hahah. Thanks for the input!</p>

What is your son studying and where are you guys from? It would be nice to know atleast one person before I get there. Thanks again!!!</p>

<p>As someone else mentioned, if size is your concern then FSU will be quite similar to PSU. One of the cool things about UM is how its not a tiny school (I think something like 10,000 undergrads) yet it feels small enough.</p>

What do you like about the school? Are the people really nice? food any good? nice campus?</p>

<p>UM > UF</p>

<p>Even w/ Tebow gone. Hey eveybody, did you hear Urban Meyer is resigning…oh no wait, he lied.</p>


<p>Son is a junior.
Majoring in History, English and Philosophy. (Admitted as pre-med but switched to pre-law instead. </p>

<p>The area, Coral Gables, is very suburban, but nearby lots of nice (and not so nice) areas. Lots going on at the campus.</p>

<p>I recommend you join a frat. Instant friends, social life.</p>

<p>Will you visit? My son will happily show you around and answer questions.</p>


<p>We are from Long Island.</p>

<p>Many wealthy, or middle and upper middle class kids as I can see. Doesn’t mean they are not friendly. Son has great, nice friends. None seem to be showy or off-putting financially speaking. </p>

<p>Form what I know (and I may be wrong) there lots of local kids that commute, so the campus is not crowded.</p>

<p>Personally, I went to a big Ten school also. My very small co-ed dorm made for a perfect way to meet people, fit in, and have a great social life that was ll dorm based. OF course, the weather was very cold, so we spent lots of time in the dorm and some in our great college town and of course NCAA sports. Before I transferred, I attended at small, NYS school (aka SUNY). Rural area. 6K kids. Miami feels no bigger. Of course Miami has a nicer campus and so much more to do. Nice the kids can spend time outdoors.</p>

<p>Are you planning to visit UM and FSU? Don’t do it while they are on break (week of March 16.) It helps to see both schools while they are in session.</p>