UMaryland VS Penn State

<p>I've been accepted for the fall of 09 for both schools...they were both my top choices and I'm pretty torn because I didn't expect to get admitted to both. I have had my heart on Penn State for a long time now, but I think academically UMD might be the better fit...I have no idea what to do! Any feedback, pros/cons, or opinions would be VERY much appreciated :)</p>

<p>Also I'm out of state and I would go in undecided for both. </p>


<p>I might be easier for us to give advice if we have a better understanding of what you’re looking for. What school/major are you interested in? Both schools seem very similar socially, so I would think it would down to location and academics.</p>

<p>i’m undecided at the moment, either something related to biology or graphic design (I know there’s a very broad spectrum in between, lol). From what I’ve read UMD is probably better academically so I guess it throws me off when Penn State is ranked higher on the US news for top universities. I’m just wondering what makes each school stand out from other people’s perspectives, and also which one would be the overall more respected school.</p>

<p>This might not be very analytical, but GO TERPS!!!</p>

<p>if you havent already, make sure you visit both; some universities just give you a certain feel</p>

<p>i think penn state actually will be a better fit for you because they have a pretty serious art dpt( i assume that because they attend portfolio day) and a better bio dpt ( there is a 7 year combined md/phd?)
anyways i know CP’s art dpt is pretty small( I am applying to CP as a painting major). they don’t even offer graphic design as a specific major. There is only a major called " design" which is a program called " design concentration" ( i.e. typography, visual communication, print media.) and i think you can only apply " design concentration" jr year ( its a two year program) so you are stuck with a lot of prerequisite art classes before then.
other than that, CP is more known for engineering and business, not really more of the bio/chemistry science.</p>

<p>thanks for the insight innerlux- it’s actually really helpful and i wasn’t aware of some of those facts. so thank you:)</p>

<p>i was accepted to penn at well and as soon as i get my maryland acceptance we’ll be in the same boat. Personally I’d pick penn state unless Maryland offered u a scholarship or you are in one of their scholars programs. Also in US News 2009 edition of America’s best colleges penn state was ranked 47 and maryland was ranked 53. So penn state is deffinitly the better school</p>

<p>I also got accepted to both, but I got into Smeal for PSU.
While I THINK (IDR, I applied such a long time ago to Maryland) I applied for business, my admission was to letters & science (for undecided people) so I got so confused. I think I might go to PSU?</p>

<p>No offense to rengb6, but i personally see almost no value in those US News college rankings. I mean, sure, they catalogue some of the best schools in the nation, but as for the specific rankings, i think they’re mostly bogus. And even if there was subsatnce behind them, what is the difference between a rank of 53 and a rank of 47…
In the end, you should choose the school that is perfect for you and forget about some (imo) stupid US News ranking. Glad I got that off my chest.</p>

<p>If you pick your college based on rankings, then you’re not going to college for the right reasons and you most likely will not be happy. You need to pick a college that “fits” you, not because other people try and brainwash you into thinking it’s a better school for you based on limited factors.</p>

<p>I don’t really understand how they come up about with those rankings, is there some sort of like…formula that they incorporate behind their scores? it is clearly based on more than academics because there are some schools that require very good academic transcripts to get in but are lower on the list.</p>

<p>besides what US news says, any other opinions of what you would personally chose?</p>

<p>I’m an alumnus of Penn State UP, but the Maryland degree is very well respected and I would say is almost identical. I focus a lot on rankings, as anyone that reads my posts can tell you, but the difference between 47 and 53 is negligible. If this was 47 and some school in the 130s, then this would be a different story. With both being such great schools, I would recommend going to visit and spending time on the campuses. You could talk to students and get their opinions and the experiences so far. I think when deciding something this close, it’s important to just see which feels like the best fit. Picking between two great schools like this is one of those good problems in life. Congrats and best of luck. Go Lions.</p>

<p>UMD is the harder school to get into for kids in my school. Many got into Penn State and not into UMD, so screw the US News rankings. U
MD will cost significantly less because I’m in-state, but I’m definitely gonna visit each school’s admitted students day to make a final decision. I’m also thinking about Virginia Tech. I haven’t gotten in yet, but I’m pretty sure I will. Does anyone have any insight into Vtech? I’m gonna be a Computer Engineering major if that helps</p>

<p>I agree with most of the other posters, if you are unsure visit the campus during orientation and then make your decision. For some people the area lands up being the final factor. SOme kids like going to DC, some are afraid of the town. Some love the campus, some find it too big. UMD will not win you over in regards to their dorms. For freshman you have no points so you get the leftovers.</p>