To all those who are waiting and saying you aren’t as interested in UMass anymore because of the wait-DON’T. I know it is frustrating having waited so long but if you get in and with decent merit or CHC you will sing a different tune. I waited with my son 2 years ago. He applied EA and got deferred then waited for decision until about April 7th. So don’t give up. Yes they are slower. Yes they don’t do it in order. Yes its a messed up system. But he loves it there and it was worth the wait. You have until May 1st so don’t throw in the towel just yet. In terms of your college career its a blink of the eye. So yes keep checking and keep reading this thread. Your decision will come-but not in the time frame you want. Just wait a tiny bit longer-then make your decision.
Accepted into honors program, first choice major-management, found out maybe one or two days ago by email, applied sometime near the RD deadline lol. I haven’t seen anything about scholarships though
Checked Spire and found out S was accepted. He did not get an email or snail mail. It was just posted today.
Congrats @MassAnonymous! OOS? Still under review here.
Applied in december got yesterday(OOS India). Got undeclared exploratory track in computing and infomatics with Chancellors award of $12000 per academic year, first choice was computer science SAT 1 :1340(Math and crit reading) SAT 2: Math 2: 740 Phys: 630. Not sure about the major i got , really wanted computer science but happy to get that award though. So far dont think im going cause ive got computer science at multiple universities elsewhere.
Has anyone heard of UMASS negotiating financial aid packages? My package is definitely not enough and I cannot afford to go, even though it’s my dream school.
Now that D is accepted, when do we hear about whether or not they were accepted into the CHC and any type of merit scholarships? We haven’t received a packet in the mail, just that she was accepted into her first choice major on Spire. Thanks in advance.
@Anniet781 it said in my portal that I was accepted into the honors college, I don’t know about scholarships though
@MijoChbulkan sigh I was afraid of that. Thank you
My dtr was not accepted into the Honors program either, but we were told by several people at Accepted Students day that it was easy to apply after the first semester.
My daughter’s application has been under review since December 2. It’s the last college we need to hear back from, all the others notified her by late Feb. This is torture waiting on UMass Amherst which just so happens to be one of her top choices.
I asked D2 to check Spire this morning and she said there was nothing. But when she got home from school, there was an envelope from UMass. Accepted with Chancellor’s Award of $8000 per academic year. Somewhere in this thread, I saw a post saying that notification recently is by snail mail, and portal is updated much later. Good luck to everyone still waiting. This was the last one we needed to hear from, so I am relieved, to say the least.
My D was accepted on Friday via spire account and then the package came on Saturday! She was originally deferred for early action and accepted regular admission! I am thrilled for her! UMASS was her number one choice! OOS, no money. Good Luck to everyone still waiting!
What were your D’s stats if i may ask? Thanks!
Finally received package yesterday - Spire still says Under Review. Received 10k Chancellor Award for being OOS but not accepted into CS major. Computing and Information Exploratory Track.
Congrats @ScoopsO! Still waiting OOS for CS major. Will you accept?
D finally got decision Friday - snail mail, big envelope with an acceptance letter and a folder with a couple of brochures. Submitted app in November and it appears that some receive updates on the web, some get email, some get snail mail - very strange process.
@Collegefall2020 Not looking likely…got a lot more money from some really great schools and CS major. Good luck to you - hope everyone hears soon!! The wait is the toughest part of the decision process.
Just got a big package in the mail when I got home, but my application status online still says under review. I also had another friend receive her acceptance weeks ago, and we live in the same school district, so clearly Umass is just all over the place with acceptances and stuff.
Anyways, I got $8000/year in merit money but I can’t see my financial package. Honestly, I’m not optimistic, but does anyone know why this would be? Also, if people don’t mind answering, how much money did you receive? I did send in my financial information in before the deadline.
FINALLY GOT MY LETTER TODAY!!! In State!!! So happy!