UMass Amherst Class of 2020 Decision Thread

This school is an embarrassment. Guess what? Every other school got record applicants yet they found a way to respond in a timely manner to their applicants. It seems the students must kill themselves to meet UMass’s deadlines but the school can take all the time they want. My daughter’s application was received in OCTOBER yet her application is “still under review” on April 6th? I would have ZERO confidence that this administration would support students effectively if they can’t handle this.

Why do they even have an online system if it is not updated when a decision is made?

Son is still waiting…Mid- Nov is when he applied. this is his first choice if gets into the Engineering program …killing us as we want to get his housing in on his second school if he doesn’t get in.


GPA: 3.45
SAT: 1900
Applied to Isenberg and Engineering

Although Umass was my first choice, I have been accepted into Uconn’s Engineering school and will be attending Uconn in the fall. Good luck to everyone who hasn’t heard yet!

You guys, this is just terrible that some of you are still waiting. My son’s still waiting on a school too (a different school) but at least the counselor emailed us to tell us why and they do answer the phone. There is no good excuse for UMass. They have a big staff.

This is honestly a shit show. It’s April 6th and I still haven’t received a reply. You know, some students applied to other schools other than U Mass and need to make a huge decision in less than a month. I’m a first generation college student so I have no family members who knows how the college process works and U Mass taking their merry old time is not helping my anxiety at all. Should I call them to find out the status of my application? Sorry that I sound angry, I’m just sick of the ambiguity.

did anyone elses spire went from red to blue?

@kelly25 Just checked. Ya it did. Probably just a UI change.

check spam everyone thats where i found mine

waitlisted GPA 4.0 sat 1680 tons of EC

Crickets here still.

@kelly25 what majors did you have? anything competitive

yes nursing ’

in the letter they said that i can accept the waitlisted offer but i wont be considered for the major i wanted soooooo guess my dreams are crushed

Sorry for those of you waitlisted. It does seem hard to wait this long to wait longer.

This is what we just got: Now we didn’t even receive anything prior to this: Are you kidding me???,

We recently sent you an email to offer you a position on our waitlist. We have noticed that “Spring 2017” text was missing from two of those options and we wanted to clarify this with you.

Option 2 should read: Yes I am interested in attending the University starting in the Spring 2017 semester. I will be contacted by the Undergraduate Admissions Office during the summer regarding the activation of my application and the receipt of my final high school transcript.

Option 3 should read: Yes, I am interested in both the Fall 2016 Waitlist and the Spring 2017 offer (as described above).

We sincerely apologize for any confusion our waitlist email may have caused.

If you have already responded to our waitlist offer - terrific! If you are still contemplating our offer and intend to respond later, please select reply on the original email after placing an X next to the option you prefer.


Your UMass Amherst Undergraduate Admissions Team

My son has a 2050 SAT all honors and AP classes and Engineering is his first choice, we are devastated, we are also in state, UMASS is a joke, good luck to all! Piss Poor that we have waited this long for this bullshit.

@dvillella, The email yesterday gave 4 options:

Option 1. Request to join the waitlist for Fall 2016 admission.
Option 2. As above

Option 3. As above
Option 4. Tell us you are not interested in either option.

And today they sent out a correction email, because the first email was missing information. What ? We waited 4 months for a response and they couldn’t even manage to get the email right !

Oh my. Really?

I never got the first email that they referenced in the “Waitlist Clarification” email. Does this mean that im not on the waiting list? I’m so confused… :confused:

@bonemantis check your spam mail.