UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

I am putting the bet on Tuesday

Dartmouth. Thanks, you too!

Believe me, I know how stressful this process is and speaking from experience, they are coming out late this year. Both my sons received their acceptance on a Tuesday. Son 1 (class of 2025 Isenberg) was in the first release which was the first week of Dec. Son 2 (class of 2026 CNS) was in 2nd wave the second week of December. Many of their friends did not hear until sometime in January. Good luck all! Hope you hear soon!!


Thanks to all the parents who have already gone through this for being there for us newbies. Sending good vibes to all and for those who celebrate, happy Chanukah! We are all in this together.


We all want some form of instant gratification. However, I am thankful that UMass evaluates the entire application for EA applicants. Almost all of the large Southern competitive universities are making decisions based on GPA and test scores only. If you don’t meet their cut-off or whatever criteria they’re using, you’re either deferred or rejected and won’t find out until March or have reached the end of the line, respectively.

I have great EC’s, even better essays and a very compelling personal story. My vital stats are good but not great in the scope of a really competitive flagship - 4.23W, 3.7UW, 1290 SAT superscore / 1260 single best SAT. No AP’s but 100% honors. I was rejected at UGA and deferred at U South Carolina and Clemson. Auburn is one of the few super competitive southern universities that evaluates the entire application and I was accepted - almost hit the floor when that acceptance came in as my stats were not as good as many who were deferred.

Moral of my story here is that I’m thankful for the evaluation process at UMass. Sure, I’d love to know yesterday - but if knowing yesterday comes at the expense of being judged as a whole person and getting deferred or rejected, I’m happy to wait.


Well said. If waiting longer means Admissions has more time to do a holistic review, then I would rather wait longer. 100% agree with you.


Congrats on Auburn!!! The happiest village on the Plains! Both of my kids go there – one stayed on for grad school as wasn’t quite ready to leave lol. It’s been an amazing experience for our entire family! War Eagle!

Thanks! Are you a Mass resident?

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My son was also deferred at U South Carolina (accepted at Delaware and Indiana) and like you his strength lies in his ECs. 3.8 UW GPA (4.1 W), 3 honors classes, 2 dual enrollment classes, no APs. SAT score was just “average” so we have not been submitting when optional. But he is a 3-sport athlete, works a part-time job, is in multiple clubs (DECA, Moot Court, Veterans Advocacy), has done a ton of community service for local pet shelters, has interned for political campaigns, is a referee for pee-wee CYO basketball. He’s my oldest so I am new to this, but I hear over and over again how some schools value those experiences more than others, while some just want that “wow” GPA. We still have a few schools to hear from (UMass, Rutgers and Tennessee) but I’m keeping the faith, there is a “perfect” school for everyone.

My friend’s daughter is a freshman nursing major at Auburn and is having an amazing year. :slight_smile:

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Any speculation on what time they may release today? My daughter is on pins and needles waiting!

Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Tuesday.

It can be at any point this week. But, please remember, it will only be the first wave - last year 5700 decisions were released in the first wave.


yes! Are you? Lots of kids from Northeast now go to Auburn.

Do you know how many (approx) they take total

see above, someone heard 5000 (from a reputable source)

In the past, the acceptance rate was somewhere between 66 and 69%.

i mean tin the first wave. You can look at their common data set for totals.


ok. i thought that was first wave. i meant for the year.

does anyone know what time they’ve released decisions in the past? is it usually like the late afternoon (6-7pm ET-ish) or is it more random?

I don’t know how many of the 5700 first wave decisions were acceptances. It could have been all, but I don’t know.