UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

DD accepted – College of Communication
UW 3.58, W 3.94
3 APs, all others Honors
VP Deca, NHS, lots of activities/volunteer focused on humanitarian, service, social causes
Part-time job

Her first choice so she’s psyched! For all of those waiting, I think only certain majors were released today.


Dorm with a/c, and more private bathrooms that are cleaned by staff. Smaller classes for some subjects instead of huge lectures. A thesis.

This is some of what I’ve heard, but others probably know more.


Admitted with $16K OOS (NC)
Food Science Major
GPA: 3.9x unweighted 4.5x weighted
Test Optional
Very excited!
No to Honors


Son admitted with $2k Deans scholarship and Honors college
In state
3.97 UW/ 4.84 W
1590 SAT
Great EC (Captain speech and debate team, varsity Ultimate, JV soccer, President of Drama club)

Looks like for merit OOS getting $16k and in state getting $2k


Daughter (OOS - NY) admitted with $14,000 scholarship. No Honors.

Undecided major.

Not sure of her weighted/unweighted, but had around a 100.2 weighted, so…?

32 ACT
1370 SAT

Average ECs, good essays.

We haven’t visited yet, but will definitely try to get there after the new year.

Good luck to everyone who hasn’t heard yet!


Congrats! My son was also accepted to College of Communications - Journalism major. We haven’t been to campus yet, but can’t wait to do an admitted student event!


Congrats! Will CS be in the last batch?

If you look at the past two years, CS and Nursing seemed to come in the later batches. Good luck to all who are waiting!

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Nothing for my DD who applied in state for psych. No rush as UMass isn’t her top choice. Sad as a UMass alum, but she got in where she really wants to go.


You said you spoke to them and that they said it was random.

Nothing here for D23 - Nursing major in state 3.9UW, Captain of team, EMT responding to town emergencies, teach theraputic horsemanship, best buddies, Brother in Isenberg currently


completely random but horsemanship is the best (i’m an equestrian)

also i’ve heard nothing yet.


Thanks. A couple of things that drew my attention in the document related to CS major. The GPA is quite high at 4.36 (not sure if they recalculate) and the number of seniors is almost double the students in other years. Not sure if they reduced the enrollment in the past 3 years.


Agree - good luck!

My son was admitted today-- in state, no awards, no honors, college of arts and sciences.

1570 SAT, all 5’s on multiple AP’s, 3.97 (approx) unweighted, 3-4 page resume with leadership/STEM, lots of music groups, etc. Surprised by no honors college.

Got an email right as the status update happened. No advance notice.

This is not his first choice. So far it’s Georgetown, but U Mass is a great school and we know many happy people there. (Plus they have a great crew team.)


I’m surprised no HC as well. Do you happen to know if there are crew opportunities for rookies (club level or similar?) My S is interested in trying his hand as a coxswain but has no experience at all.

I looked it up. You can walk on for crew. Here is a link: University of Massachusetts Athletics

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D23 was accepted. She did 3 Early Apps and this is her first decision so she’s very excited.

OOS. Accepted as English major. $16K Chancellors Award. No honors college
4.3 weighted GPA. (Prob 3.9ish unweighted)
1390 SAT
3 APs including both English (4 & 5) and Human Geography (5).
All other core classes Honors when available.
Great ECs but none are sports. She’s a dancer and does theater, music, and student government. Lots of leadership in those groups.


UMass schools (and Massachusetts state colleges in general) do re-calculate GPA. It’s a weird formula, but you can find it on some of the Massachusetts Dept of higher education website (Admissions / For Students & Families / Massachusetts Department of Higher Education ). Many Massachusetts high schools use the state standard formula in their GPA calculation.

Here is the chart for the base conversion, then you add 0.5 for honors, 1.0 for AP or Dual Enrollment.

A 4.36 is equivalent to a 100% average in all “normal” classes, or an A- average in all honors, or a B+ average in all AP/dual enrollment. It is pretty high!


Did you daughter find out?

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