UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

My daughter applied for business as her safety school (she’s a music kid) and was accepted but only got notice a month later about her acceptance to the Honor’s college. (She ultimately got her top choice though and is there now.)


My son didn’t hear anything either (also Isenberg)

No unfortunately, no update on the portal and no email. So bummed


Isenberg/Sport Management for my son also. Best of wishes to you also :blush::crossed_fingers:t2:


Any update yet? Mine has applied as a CS major too. But we are international students so not sure if considered in the first wave.


No hope for tonight I think. I’ve also been refreshing but the first batch it seems is already all out.

It seems to be random based on what people are saying

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CS major…No update. Nothing on the portal and she did not receive an email. Still waiting.


Every college seems to have significantly more seniors than freshman. Guessing those are transfers into the major from other majors or undeclared declaring. This is from the CS website at Umass: “The Computer Science (CS) major is the largest academic program in the College of Information and Computer Sciences and has seen rapid growth over the last decade. Many students are admitted directly to the CS major when they apply for admission to the University, while others join the program from another major or from an exploratory track.”

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Possibly people transferring in from community colleges? MA highly encourages people to go the CC to UMass route.


If you follow the strings from previous years, you’ll notice the trend of less competitive majors (higher acceptance rate) being notified in the early waves and more competitive majors (lower acceptance rate) being notified in the later waves. I’m pretty sure it’s not exactly random. There isn’t a single CS, Engineering, Nursing or Isenberg decision in this string or on Reddit.


It’s right on the website: Transfers from other majors and exploratory/undeclared freshman declaring. There is a negligible number of transfer students into UMass from community colleges and other institutions.

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My student was accepted in the first wave - early Dec two years ago -
isenberg. So nit neccesarily true

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Any results for engineering?

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Congrats! Did you receive your financial aid info?

do we have an idea of timing with the other waves?

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Any chance for another wave this week or are we definitely looking at January?

I read that next one will be in January.

Same but I’m still hoping they made a typo and it’ll come out sooner, this is such a long wait