UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

I have no knowledge but guessing second week of Jan., maybe sooner if they’re working the rest of this week and next. More frustrating for me than the applicant! (Older sib at UMass heard in Dec., but that was 2019.)

Yeah, Wish EA 2nd batch can release before Xmas.


Unfortunately, the instagram post said the next wave will be in the middle of January. It sounds like we will not hear in December.

FYI: UMass admissions has explicitly stated in 4 or 5 replies to their EA informational Instagram post that there will be NO MORE decisions released until mid-January 2023.

Last year there were 2 waves before Xmas – looks like they are behind schedule this year (S22 found out in second wave last year). They may have an especially large number of apps to review (I don’t know) - my sense is that in the current economic climate, and with college costs soaring, a lot of kids are taking a second look at their state flagships which is driving up the competition.


My son was accepted into Engineering on December 7th last year, so I agree that that isn’t a hard, fast rule.

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Based on feedback from friend’s kids who applied to UMASS last year, I no longer think there are any slam dunk majors - - it’s very competitive in all areas.


The facts really state otherwise. This report is from UMass and is a breakdown by College. The only highly competitive (Less than 50% acceptance) colleges are Isenberg, CS and Nursing. Nearly every other College has a 70 or 80% or more acceptance rate.

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For this I am grateful on D23’s behalf - a natural sciences major. That and I’m hoping our out of state tuition will help things along. Fingers crossed still! This probably her top choice.

Tell me about it! Did she get the Adams Scholarship too?

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She hasn’t gotten accepted yet! :disappointed_relieved:

Also she’s out of state. WAY out of state. Adams scholarship is based on 10th grade MA state testing.

I meant from high school - the Adams Scholarship that can be used at any state school… Have her check with her guidance counselor. My counselor was terrible about this and I only found out I had it when I asked. Office of Student Financial Assistance / Massachusetts Department of Higher Education

She’ll get in. Don’t you worry!

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Sorry - I missed the out-of-state… yep, that’ll help. Mass is greedy :slight_smile:

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You are correct - S20 got into Isenberg and D23 trying for Nursing but last I heard they only have 70 slots for Nursing!

70 is the exact number that enrolled in Nursing. They accepted 296 and had a 23% yield. Pretty sure they’ve got this whole thing down to a science. Good luck!

Thanks - luckily D23 already got accepted to several other schools she would be very happy at - as I really do not think she will be able to get in. But the anticipation is fun!

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I really don’t like one more month waiting.


Just got in for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology!

  • Received the chancellors award for 16k a year
  • Didn’t get into honors
    -1410 SAT
  • 7 AP’s, 2 Advanced, and all honors classes
  • leader of my student government, track captain, small business owner, barback, started a community service project, national honor society and national spanish honors society member

Received an email saying that my status had been updated on my portal at 3:20ish yesterday


Oh and a 3.91 (recalculated) GPA

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