UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

What is your guess? Anything this week?

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I say yes!

Yes too!

I hope so.

I guess next wave next week, but not CS

I am thinking you are correct for CS. I think they will release early decisions for CS on 1/27/23 similar to Northeastern, Michigan and University of Maryland.


Well, itā€™s looking doubtful that any acceptances will be released today.

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They said mid-January, and have reiterated that in Instagram comments. Seems like that wouldnā€™t be until Jan. 17, at the earliest. Great if they hear sooner, but unlikely.

Looks that way. Disappointing.

Do yaā€™ll think anything will come out today?

Realistically, no. Itā€™s still not mid-Jan, and itā€™s a Monday. Next Tuesday, perhaps?


They just posted on Insta that they donā€™t have a set date yet and it will just be mid-Jan.

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Probably 7000 + per wave the last three weeks?


This is my oldest, so Iā€™m new to this. But is this late for an EA decision? We applied EA to 4 schools, all applications were submitted on 10/2 and 10/3. We got answers from the other 3 quite a while ago - one in mid-November, one first week in December and one in mid-December. This is the only one we donā€™t have a decision from yet.


I think it completely depends on the school. My son has had several EAā€™s that came really quickly (Iowa, Indiana, Minnesota) and a few that will come late (UMass, Purdue, Wisconsin).

I donā€™t think schools realize what an advantage it is to have decisions come as early as possible. Iowa and Minnesota have awarded pretty generous merit aid packages, and weā€™re already planning on attending admitted student functions at those schools (Indiana, too). By the time some of the slower schools make a decision, we could be well down the road of making a final decision.

That said, my daughter is a sophomore at UMass, so my son doesnā€™t really need to attend events, etc., to know what the school is like. I do want to know how the merit aid stacks up, however.

We applied to Indiana too! :slight_smile: Delaware and South Carolina were the other EA decisions that came in pretty quickly. Even some of the RD schools we applied to might give us an answer sooner. We applied RD to Tennessee, they announced all EA decisions in mid-December, then RD decisions are rolling through 2/15. We just missed the EA deadline by a few days so we may actually hear from them before we get an answer from UMass.

And I agree with you, as time goes on his interest in UMass is fading while he is getting very excited about the other schools.


Not sure how many is latest wave ā€“ But Iā€™m hearing Thursday we should be hearing something.


No UNH has not sent out most of its EA either

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Thatā€™s how I am too. We want to know what kind of aid my DD will get from UMass to help if she chooses one of the schools already admitted to. As a UMass alum from the 90s UMass was the LAST school I heard from!

Not really late, but not early. Virginia Tech EA is end of Feb and UVA is mid-Feb. Those are lateā€¦