UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

Admitted Last night-

98.9 Weighted GPA, unaware of my unweighted GPA
4 APs, 3 on Bio and Gov
Worked all throughout high school and Decent ECs
1250 SAT, did not submit.
No Honors college.

Elementary Education Major


Sigh. Still nothing.
OOS, Isenberg, applied 10/30.

I also havenā€™t gotten anything in the portal :pensive:
I applied on 10/26 for CS

OOS, Admitted to Biomedical engineering. 3.9 GPA unweighted. APā€™s, lots of leadership and test optional.
Merit - 14k, no honors. We have Pitt which gave us 20K so UMass is more expensive for us now.


Yup same. Isenberg 10/16. My poor dd is still waiting on so many schools that people have already heard from. And itā€™s the same kids getting in on these early waves. Beyond frustrating :disappointed_relieved:

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Same for my daughter. Fingers crossed for you both!


My daughter (CS major) hasnā€™t heard from her colleges yet either. She applied to all early action.

Misery loves company. Hopefully both our girls will get in. I just wish we knew when the next wave of decisions was coming. Iā€™d also love to understand how they choose who to notify when. Dd was hoping for honors college, now she just wants to get in to the school. Itā€™s become so competitive and the stats here for kids who were accepted to CS are super impressive. GL!


As far as timing it seems that since they like to do a big batch all at once they will need to plow through a bunch more before doing another wave. Based on last year and their January promise Iā€™d guess a wave each week until the end of Jan? (for EA apps)


My son applied to CS and second choice economics. He got in yesterday to economics not for CS. Plus he was offered 16K/year merit aid.

1480 SAT. 4 GPA. 7 APs. Good ECs and some leadership roles.


Thanks! Same for your daughter!
I hope our decisions will come out in the next wave!

I guess the question is when is the next wave, next week?

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Same hereā€¦ still waitingā€¦ Wonder if we have missed submitting somethingā€¦ portal for UMass Amherst seems to be one of the most basicā€¦ This is all we have, in addition to name and addressā€¦ does it look similar for any of you?


When all three green check marks are there, you have everything in.


yes its pretty simple. You will get a link for update when you login - if there is update.

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Does anyone know when the next wave is. Someone on reddit said it might be 16th but im not sure if its true.

Sure! I have a 3.91 UW (my school doesnā€™t do weighted) and a 35 ACT. I got 5s on AP Calc BC and AP Lang last year. This year for APs Iā€™m doing AP Physics C, Lit, and Psych. (At my school it isnā€™t the norm to do like 12 APs). Iā€™m also doing Multivariable calc this year. My ecs are honestly not very impressive imo but Iā€™m very dedicated them and passionate. I did do a relatively competitive program over the summer that involves comp sci. Honestly, Iā€™m not even certain that I want to do CS thoughā€¦ also Iā€™m in state

My daughter got in for bio, honors college, chancellorā€™s 16k merit. OOS


anybody knows whether the university will send official admission letter directly to your home? or does it only work for in-state students?

Congrats! My daughter has very similar stats, we are OOS. Fingers crossedā€¦

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