UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

Sorry. Tough year!

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sorry for you too. oh well, onward and forward, right?

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That’s too bad! My son is waitlisted for CS at UMASS but got into Northeastern! Nuts!

Make sure she puts herself on the waitlist as soon as possible.


Are you the other NJ mom by any chance? : )

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So sorry

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Oh ok. I “met” someone on another chatboard whose dc got into Northeastern for CS but also WL at UMass. Congrats!

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my son is waitlisted, CS OOS

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Waitlisted for Nursing too = EMT 3.9UW Captain of sports etc - are you going on the waitlist?

If you say YES to waitlist does that preclude you from saying YES to another school by May 1st? It is not binding and they do not share that info. correct??

Yes. Only ED is binding (which UMass doesn’t offer).

It does not. If you come off waitlist your are offered a spot, you still don’t need to accept it.

Depending on your other schools some have housing on a first come first awarded basis, so look into your other choices. Worst case if UM comes through you lose your housing (and/or enrollment) deposit elsewhere.

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Waitlisted Isenberg - In State
4.3 weighted
1330 SAT
Capt of 2 Varsity Teams

Did they even defer anyone or just waitlist?

Not binding

I was curious about that too (defer vs waitlist)

Thank you - because Nursing is only about a 12% acceptance rate she had applied to many other schools and has several (Fairfield, UNH etc) that she likes but still really likes UMass so I guess we will say yes to one and get on the waitlist as well - since we are instate and she has a sibling there currently it makes the most monetary and ease of drop off sense!

Honestly, waitlist sounds worse than deferral. “Deferral” at most schools means they throw you in with the regular decision pool . . . waitlisting at UMass means that you’re really only considered after the May 1 declaration date (and the odds sound rather terrible). We’re just treating this like a rejection.

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Can he still go on the waitlist? So very odd he did not get in sorry - my daughter instate high stats, Captain of FH, EMT, brother at UMass was waitlisted as well

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Honestly I think any schools’ waitlist should be treated as a rejection (we fully expect to get some WL). My kids really want closure and by April it is time to love the school that is loving you back and move forward. Meet other students online, find housing, a roommate, get excited. Holding hope for WL sounds awful.


My son didn’t really plan on attending UMASS, but it is so surprising as we thought it was a safety!