UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Does anyone know anyone who received a rejection? Just wondering if only acceptances went out.

1560 SAT, 800 SAT Math2

We’re in state, D21 admitted to Spring. Freshman Connection doesn’t seem to be much different from Fall admit.
3.96UW/4.26W no scores. 6 APs , many honors and Cheerleading. Wondering why she wasn’t admitted for Fall, but we’re happy nonetheless.

Got accepted into the Honors College!!!

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Daughter rejected. Didn’t send SATs (1290) school doesn’t weight-3.7 uw. Private Jesuit school. Solid ECs. Job. Varsity sport 3 years/captain. Good essays. Extra recommendations. Not sure where the disconnect was. Any guidance appreciated.

I still don’t see a decision, is anyone else having the same problem or is it just me :grimacing:

same here. No email and page hasn’t updated

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For anyone who did not get a decision, contact the Admissions Office on Monday. Every year there are some disconnects that occur, Be advised that a big snowstorm is being predicted for the DC area

Accepted CS, College Park Scholars
4.41 W, 3.91 UW, Val
36 ACT
Significant EC’s, decent essays
13 APs + 4 dual enrollment

I had similar stats and was accepted. What kind of extra curriculars is she involved in?

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Cheer, yearbook, ballet (and ballet intensives), strategic minds society, service hours (big Jesuit thing). There are more I just can’t remember them. Not sure what happened. Acceptances and merit money at other schools on par or ranked higher.

My son has the same stats, he submitted his scores. 4 yr varsity sport, 3 yrs of paid work. He was admitted to spring semester OOS (NJ public)

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So do you all think we wont get the decisions tonight?

Got in for CS. Scholars as well. Indian Male OOS,

if I was accepted into spring 2022 does that mean I was a bad applicant?

GPA 3.9
ACT 31


I was accepted but not into CS but I have already completed all the required courses for the transfer (2 years of cs and calculus).

How early will I be able to transfer to CS and how difficult/guaranteed is it?

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This is from a UMD FAQ

Freshman Admission Decision FAQs | UMD Undergraduate Admissions @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); @import url(“”); .youvisit-embed{ border: none; overflow: hidden; position: relative; frameborder: 0; }

Q: I applied for the fall semester but was admitted for the spring semester. Why?

Given the university’s continued commitment to academic success for all students, we remain unable to increase the size of our classes to accommodate additional students. We offer spring admission to students who we feel will be successful academically and contribute to the overall campus community. Freshman students who are offered spring semester admission should confirm enrollment online and pay the enrollment fee by the date specified in their notification of admission.

Decisions are final and students admitted for the spring semester cannot appeal their admission decision or defer their enrollment to the fall semester. Requests to be admitted for the fall semester instead of the spring semester will not be considered.

Q: I was admitted for the spring semester. What is Freshmen Connection?

Freshmen Connection is a fall semester extension program offered to all students admitted for the spring semester. In Freshmen Connection, you enroll in courses on campus in the fall semester during off-peak times (3-9 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Fridays). These courses will count toward your UMD degree. Freshmen Connection students can live in on-campus housing beginning in the fall semester, take advantage of the university’s resources and participate in UMD activities and organizations.

Participation in Freshmen Connection is optional, but interested students must first confirm their enrollment at UMD for the spring semester.

Psychology and Fire

Accepted for civil engineering with OOS, GPA 4.5, No SAT sent in, 3 varsity sports and many extracurriculars