UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

I got into Letters and Sciences but not cs :frowning: does anyone know how hard it is to transfer? I also got into FIRE…does anyone know if the program is worth it or its pretty common?

Admitted into Poli Sci which is limited enrollment. Got scholars, not Honors. OOS TN - 3.9 with a 4.5W. 30 ACT, 32 with Superscore. 9 APs and two Dual Enrollment.

My brother had a tad better stats two years ago and got $5K for engineering. I’m hoping for more - I know unlikely.

Tough week, rejected at UNC and deferred at Miami. But Maryland is a great school just a notch below.

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Currently enrolled students are able to transfer into CS once they complete the gateway requirements. Many of the LEP programs are currently like this (business is different), that may change, who knows.

Not everyone is offered FIRE. My son is currently in “BIOFIRE”. Research the fire program offerings and see if anything interests you. There are “streams” within the FIRE. program that would be beneficial in CS.

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Same here…

Talk with your admissions officer, but it is my understanding that you will have to apply to your major after you take certain gateway courses. Business is competitive, but they should be able to tell you the criteria

You aren’t missing anything. My daughter got the same thing. There are many programs where a student is invited to participate as part of their admission. It isn’t mandatory to accept that offer to still attend UMD. My son is graduating in May and he got into honors when he applied. He was then assigned to University Honors. It basically put him in a nondesirable dorm (Hagerstown) and made scheduling a bit tougher. He ultimately never finished the requirements because he didn’t like many of the classes offered or they conflicted with his major classes. The just revamped the UH program presumably because they realized it had some flaws. Some kids love it and it does make getting Gen Ed’s easier because some classes double count as Gen Ed’s and Honors.

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Yes, you can change your track within the major just by speaking to your advisor. As for adding I don’t think you’d have the time to do that unless you loaded up on classes. You can only register for two CS classes per semester during your registration period. As the semester gets closer you can be granted permission for a third. Depending on what the first two are could make taking a third very difficult/impossible from a time and workload standpoint. If you are starting with CMSC 131 it generally takes 7 semesters to complete the major. You also need to take 12 credit hours of 300/400 courses from the same discipline outside of CS. My son did this by completing a Stat Minor.

You are correct. You have to take the same classes as a direct admit. If you were a direct admit and didn’t do well in those classes you would be removed from the major. If you aren’t a direct admit and do well in those same classes you will be admitted to the major. When you are sitting in those classes nobody knows whether you are in the major or not. It became an LEP because of the popularity of the major

Congrats to your D and maybe some merit is on the way.


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Hey guys! Has anybody received decisions either late last night or this morning? I haven’t received my decision yet and I can see that many others are having the same issue.

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@sdevorefl, thanks for the quick and helpful reply!

It seems like a great program, but a concern my kid has is that he may have trouble registering for CS classes (especially the upper-level ones) because the major is so popular and they may not offer enough seats for kids who wish to take them. (He’s heard this happens a lot at Rutgers, our state’s flagship, and it can extend time (and $) to graduation.) Is this the case at U of Maryland too?

I’m still waiting too. No email, and portal has not been updated.

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Yeah I’m not sure what’s happening. Super stressful :rofl:
Wish they would at least answer their social media account’s replies…

@amominnewjersey - Maybe this link will provide some additional info

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What social media account are you watching?

Twitter and Instagram. Both are “ApplyMaryland”. I’ve replied, tweeted, and messaged @ them with no response

My portal says my application was completed on 10/29 and everything was received before Nov 1st. The status just says “Submitted”. But it doesn’t say anything about early actions. How bout you?

When were you materials received? The AO told my son’s school everything had to be in by 11/1 including test scores if you submitted

My portal says application was completed 12/7, when they received my SAT scores… This year was test-optional though, I would be very surprised if they deferred me because of that… Everything else submitted on time

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I just checked my email I received an email on Jan 8th saying they received all my items to be considered for early action. So I guess that is not the issue for me.

Did you get that email?