UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Yes - me. Everything on my checklist is completed before 11/1. I applied test optional.

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Although I agree, I would expect UMD to be lenient this year. A test-optional policy should be TRULY test optional! There’s no reason an applicant should be punished for this with all the difficulties this year brought. And they should not be deferring people behind their backs, that’s insane.

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Anyone has idea when does UMD sends out any merit aid or financial aid details by ?

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I think they’re sending out interview invitations for Banneker Key in the next 2 weeks based on previous years’ procedures, and their website said that other scholarships will be announced by March 1.

You had a chance to apply test optional. It was only if you told them you wanted your score considered that they expected them on or before 11/1.

I believe Feb or March. It is on their website but I’m getting so many dates jumbled. Only students who applied by 11/1 are considered for non need based aid

I asked in a virtual event and they said you could submit the SAT if you took it in november… But I guess that was for regular decision? Oops…

I’m pretty sure I remember them saying that too. I thought all SATs up to November were supposed to be accepted.

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Last year, people starting reporting scholarship awards on Feb 27. UMD is not known for giving out a lot of large merit awards.

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Here is a link about Freshman Scholarships

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My son entered with 66 credits from dual enrollment and AP exams. Due to that when it came time to register he was generally registering before many of his peers so he didn’t have trouble getting classes. Notwithstanding, I don’t think that’s a problem. You may not get the professor you want but he doesn’t have any friends who were shut out. Seats seem to open right before the semester starts because people fail classes and thus drop the next class in a sequence. CS is obviously heavy math. If you don’t have a good math background or don’t succeed in the math prerequisites for the gateway classes it’s going to be tough to get through the program. Because he went in with so many credits he will graduate a year early and has applied to the 5 year BS/MS program. It’s a great program and many of his friends have done well with jobs and internships. It’s not easy though. He works his rear end off. He did have time to socialize and also joined a fraternity. So far it’s been a great experience. Both his mother and I are Terps and now my daughter is too. Never expected that to happen. We never pushed the school at all being in South Florida.


If anyone is interested, the following link shows the courses being held for the current Spring semester

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Question: Did anyone who submitted their SAT after the November 1st deadline get accepted early action yesterday?

I know this isn’t what you are asking, but I submitted my scores through the College Board on 10/27. My portal never updated saying the school received my scores, but I assumed there wasn’t a problem since I submitted them early. I also got the email early Jan that said I would receive my decision by Feb 1.

But along with you I also have not received my decision yet :confused:

I’m going to email admissions if I don’t have a decision by Feb 1.

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I’m in the same boat, but they didn’t receive mine until 12/7. You should be fine since your scores SHOULD be postmarked as 10/27. I just hope they are lenient this year and we’ll receive letters on monday.


me too! fingers crossed

My daughter submitted SAT and ACT scores by 11/1, but also submitted higher scores after 11/1. I wonder which ones will be looked at for merit? The scores she submitted were from 1/20, it took until October to be able to take them again and scores came out after 11/1.

And you havent received a decision yet? It seems like people who submitted any scores after the deadline (even if they had previous scores before) are not receiving decisions… like @biobiz . It’s making me pretty worried. Hoping to see a decision on monday

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I submitted my scores in September and I haven’t received a decision

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Oh I actually received my decision on Friday, sorry if I didn’t clarify before. But I do think that they might not have considered my latest score.