UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

We received the email on Jan 8 stating it was being considered for EA.

Got it. Thanks for the info.

Son got the email on 8th guaranteeing decision by today .
Since he self reported SAT now it’s too late for RD as well . Can’t change to test optional too late to request CB for RD. So his application is incomplete.

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I am honestly quite disappointed with how UMD is handling this. It is apparent that they’ve always been sticklers for things being on time, but seriously? I sent an SAT two months before the deadline and you couldn’t at least contact me to let me know that the SAT won’t be considered? I would’ve been fine with that. But deferring you behind your back because of the SAT during a pandemic? I think it’s nuts. Although I like UMD, It’s my safety school and I’m starting to want to go there less and less.

*To clarify, on a normal year, I completely I understand the strictness of deadlines. But literally no other college is doing this crap.

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Same story here. Their portal is so not user friendly. We wait this long and they tell us now it is incomplete. Why cant they update their portal to reflect what is missing so we can work on sending it in time. We have applied to several schools and the experience here has been the worst. Very disappointing.


Yes, we are.

We let my daughter stay at her HS in PA so she could finish where she started. She stays with relatives since we live in MD, though this year she has been virtual so home with us. Looking at this page
it says that the student must live continuously in MD for 12 months prior. I don’t know if this applies to prospective students or not. Do boarding school kids have this issue?

My son goes to a private school in DC and he’s considered in-state for Maryland since his permanent residence is Maryland and his DL is issued from Maryland (which was how I believed we confirmed his residency) along with indicating he was our dependent, our address and that we claimed him on our taxes (which we pay in Maryland). Oh and he’s also registered to vote in MD, he did that when he got his DL even though he couldn’t vote in the presidential election because he wasn’t 18.


Yes, my daughter has all the same–license, voting, our dependent, we only have a house here and pay MD (very high) income taxes.

How do you know if you have been deferred?

Did your daughter uses MD’s address for her current high school ? My guess is that they will consider her status is OOS since she goes to PA’s HS with the PA’s address. Usually, kids go to boarding schools still use their home address as permanent address (similar to OOS college students).

You may end up paying OOS tuition for your daughter for a year and while establish her state residency. But you should try to fight to see if they can change it to in-state.

Good luck !

If you haven’t received a decision yet. They only defer people if their application wasn’t complete on time.

We talked to AO today . Since he never requested CB his is not RD either . Goes to rolling space available basis .

Let me know the chances for that if anybody knows

Hm I submitted everything on time including official test scores and still didn’t get a decision

oh man, I’m sorry.

couldn’t you ask them to not consider SAT? You might be able to talk them into it based on how unfortunate your situation is.

Yes, she had our MD address has her permanent and mailing address on her app, plus gave all the MD information for residency requirements. Just her transcript and LORs came from PA. She applied to have a cheaper option but she really wants to be at a school in a city. So I haven’t decided yet if it is worth the time to try to appeal it.

So apparently I said I don’t want to be considered test optional. And they have been expecting my scores this whole time… :woman_facepalming:t4: (Mind you I applied early action) Now I don’t know what to do especially since I do not want to take the SATs…

Unfortunately we can’t change that option

UMD Admissions Office is nuts :rofl:
Every school I can think of has leniency when it comes to changing certain things after the deadline, especially this year. They have shown no leniency besides allowing test-optional. I wonder why?

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