UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

What stats are needed to get into honors? My D has a 4.2 W gpa (max is 4.5) and a 33 ACT. She mentions a scholars program but not honors.

I apologize. I should say “enough to be even considered to Honors “. Honestly I don’t know what Is needed to get into honors .
Right now we would be lucky to get into spring admissions undeclared major .

You are right - it is on a rolling basis space available basis. I misunderstood what my wife had told me.

Hope she has options

She does - five other applications still pending, including a few stretch schools. None EA. UMD was high on her list, so she is quite upset. All OOS, so likely more expensive.

Good luck. It’s hard to watch them hurt . It’s been rough

Thank you, and good luck to you and your son.

Congrats on your son getting in. In terms of smaller communities, floors in freshman buildings usually create their own communities/large friend groups on their own where they hang out and eat together. Especially if you are sociable and try to meet people. Also, I am told that students can now submit honors applications once they are already accepted into UMD, you can find the application with a simple Google search. FLEXUS/VIRTUS for exclusively engineering students is something you can also apply for.

Sorry for long text
Just want a advice , Son applied to Comp science admitted to Letters and Science ( invite to Global communities)

Any idea is it worth choosing or attending global communities ?
Looks like it’s different dorm not sure how far from other buildings and how different
curriculum etc

Also Son got direct admit to Purdue And SUNY Binghamton Computer science

UMD is his dream college so we are overly confused what’s the best choice for him not sure how hard to go through Letters and sciences gateway requirements and get into CS.

Any advice really helps


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In order to get into CS out of L&S, you need to get at least a B- in the gateway courses, then you will be able to transfer. In terms of global communities, I suspect that there are some extra classes you have to take. The location of their dorm building is far from other freshman dorms but an in extremely good location (center of campus). So, you will be far from other freshman outside of GC, but closer to the center of campus than other freshman. I would also say that the UMD campus and location is much nicer than Binghamton. And Purdue is tricky because of their gateway requirements as well, even if you are direct admit. I hope this helps. Good luck!

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Thanks @UMDengineers

Good info on GC dorms , but we checked on GC site SeeMe they have some courses need to pass for 1 and 2nd years.

We checked on CS gateway requirements it’s C- with 2.7 GPa for CMPSC 131 and 132 math 140
With AP calculus AB and Comp sci A with 4-5 scores I believe these courses will be covered ?

Regarding Purdue direct CS admit we haven’t found anywhere it says need gateway requirements you have any links for this ?
Only for Engineering colleges they have FYE , CS is not part of engineering


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CS gateway requirements are c-, sorry about that. Calc AB will cover MATH140.

In terms of Purdue, it is true that FYE is only for the engineering college. I was referring to the difficulty/weed-out nature of intro classes.

Yes, FYE is only in the College of Engineering at Purdue.

If you are direct admit to CS in the CoS, there is no secondary process for the major.

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yep that’s what I heard about Purdue weed out classes, what is that mean if a kid scores less than 3.0 GPA on a subject they need to re-take again and again in Purdue?

I heard about UMD gateway requirements you can take a maximum of 2 times for each subject what happens after that if a kid can’t make it through?

Some Purdue courses require a C+ to advance to the next course in a sequence. I know of no course sequence that requires a B (3.0).

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Thanks great to know C+ Should be easy

UMD gateway C- is easy as well

So confusing whether we send the Son all the way to Indiana or UMD

A C+ grade is doable but no course is “easy” at Purdue. My D knows many many friends who had to repeat coursework.

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so compared to Purdue , UMD is relatively not that hard ?
I also heard Purdue has lot of grade deflation , how is it at UMD ?

If anyone who hasn’t received a decision yet despite having submitted everything before the deadline called/emailed the Office of Admissions, what were you told?