UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

My son was invited to be part of the Civicus living and learning community. Does anyone have any experience or insight on this program?

Called for my son and was told that because they didn’t get of all things, his letters of recommendation, until after the EA deadline, he was pushed to RD. He requested letters of recommendation to be sent a few weeks before the deadline so assumption was that they would receive in time. They received the letters of recommendation a week or so after the deadline. Kinda comical that there is no flexibility…

Ugh, that is so frustrating because the recommendations is out of your son’s control. UMD should have flexibility for recommendations.

Agree but it seems like they don’t care. A deadline is a deadline. Def disappointed as he hasn’t had this issue with any other school he’s been accepted to. :man_shrugging:t2:


Wow, that’s kind of confusing. I would see boarding school as possibly being a different situation from living with relatives, though. Good luck!

The application to self-nominate to Honors is at the end of freshman year. Very few students fill this out, as they would have to go through Honors classes with classmates a year younger.

I know that many freshmen live on North Campus, but South Campus is not a barren wasteland. Besides the students in Dorchester, there are Honors students in Anne Arundel and Prince Frederick Halls. My DC loves South Campus as a freshman.

Did he ask for these letters of recommendation at the end of Junior year or over the summer? That is when my daughter’s HS recommended that letters be requested.

yes, he had asked w/ plenty of time for the teachers to do them. Had to ask early on as you can imagine the amount of requests that some of these teachers get. my guess is that the ball was dropped somewhere along the line. I understand the request in through naviance to get the letters to specific schools. all the other schools he has been accepted to via EA, all had the letters.

Honors may be out but if your kid gets into UMD, he could apply to the Scholars program. On the website, there is a form that you get fill out to self- nominate for Scholars.

My D has almost decided to attend UMD but she has decisions coming late Feb- but probably they won’t sway her. For a lot of reasons, I’d just like her to be done with the decision process. Are there any advantages to responding early to UMD? As soon as you put down your housing deposit, I assume you should reject your other offers/ pending(?)

In 2014, my D committed to UMD several days after attending an Admitted Students Day at the end of February. We enjoyed that event, but they will probably be virtual this year. I guess the big advantage is peace of mind.

There is no housing deposit that I am aware of. My D had to submit an enrollment fee of $400. There was a housing form back then, but it did not require any money and that is worth filling out sooner rather than later.

Freshmen do not get to pick dorms, they are assigned based on LLP’s

My D let other admission offers expire by default.

Thank you! I’m thinking in this TO era that colleges have no idea what their enrollment stats will be so I’m thinking it would be kinder to let the other schools know so they can hopefully let other kids know. I think anxiety in college admissions is always bad but this year is worse. I have a younger kid that’s on the wait list for high school and I’d sure like to know sooner rather than later.


True, anxiety is very high for everyone this year

@CSJA2025 I completely agree with your approach. We are going to withdraw everything as soon as a decision is made. It benefits the university as well as other students who may have a shot because of a freed up spot.

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I don’t think there are any advantages to responding early to any university, but if you decline other offers it opens up spots to those who may have been deferred or on the waiting list. Once my daughter is sure of her decision, I’m going to have her decline her other offers. A safety for one is likely someone else’s dream school…


So the advantage is kindness :).


when is the earliest time can a student apply for Scholars – before Fall term/semester starts?

I’m not sure, go to the Scholars website and see the details.

Is anyone else’s myNortheastern portal link still not working ?