UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

For Merit aid scholarships at UMD, no FAFSA required - at least it wasn’t two years ago

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Pitt gives merit aid (my son got $10k/yr)

My son got an email last night for admitted students day. The first one is 2/26, he didn’t look at the other dates because he just picked the first one.

My daughter was invited as well. There was a webinar last night which they recorded.

FYI for those wondering about fall plans


I was so excited to see this last night. Sure, it is speculative and the future is uncertain, but at least it’s the first college that we are considering that posted something about Fall 2021. I hope they open up in person tours soon.


Yes, I do hope for in person tours soon. We won’t go to save spots for others because he’s been on campus since he was a baby. We have season tickets for basketball and football and my mom used to work on campus. It’s amazing how different campus looks from when I went there!

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Does anyone know how the AP credit system works? My D has passed 2 AP classes by UMD standards. She’s taking another 7 exams this Spring. I know the exams results come out late sometime in the summer, so will she register for classes before the results come out? Is there any use in taking credit for a class that doesn’t have a specific GE equivalent? Will the extra credits that don’t have a specific GE requirement give my D priority registration as she’ll have more total credits than the average freshman? If she passes AP Cal AB and we want her to take again at UMD do we not submit the score? Can we choose which ones to report? I do not want to force her into Cal 2 for example as a first semester freshman. Also do you have to pay for each AP credit that transfers to UMD?

If my D theoretically earns the max AP credits, she could theoretically have up to 27 credits going into UMD. For those who’ve had kids in Scholars how would this impact her standing? Would she be able to be in the LLC for two years even though she could be optimistically have junior standing after one year?

@CSJA2025 - The following link has the list of course credits available from AP testing.

Even if your D gets credit for Calc 1, she can still register for Calc 1 at UMD. No one is forced to take credit as a result of AP testing.

AP credits can increase registration priority standing.

If an AP score gives you credit for a class. you do not pay for that class. In fact, full time students pay a fixed tuition, not a per credit amount. There were a few times when my D took 18 or 20 credits and there was no extra charge.

AP credits do not have any impact on LLC standing.

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Somewhat off topic. My son is currently taking 3 AP classes, mostly in a complete virtual setting for high school. He’s doing very well with the grades (I think everyone is), but he is honest with me that he is not really learning the material as well as if this was live instruction. He’s not sure he’ll pass the AP exams and more importantly he wants to take the class again in college so he has a better grasp of the material, especially for a requirement of his major (e.g., physics and comp sci). I’m thinking of cancelling all AP exams. Even if he passed the exam, I’m not sure of the financial benefit to that extra/free credit at UMd given the curriculum. Maybe he’ll try for mico/macro econ since that would only be a GE credit.

I agree with your son; building a good foundation will serve him well.

I agree I would only take the GE credits not the major ones particularly this COVID year. My D is taking a lot of the GE type APs and has a hard major so if it gives her more latitude to do research, have less stress, or get a priority in scheduling she’ll take those credits.

Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone could provide information on the FIRE program. I was invited into it along with being accepted into the LEP government and politics major. I was just recently accepted to pitt honors college but was not invited to honors llp at Maryland, so I have to make a decision between those options. Thanks!

Here is a link that might help

I have no direct knowledge regarding FIRE. It does seem to be a very selective program

I would pick the right school for u. Honors is a marketing ploy and good experience but fire is good too. Go for fit. Not honors

@annoyingmom21 Just a thought, maybe instead of using the AP exams to level up in a particular course, perhaps those credits could be used towards Gen Ed?

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My son is a freshman at UMD and is in the BIOFIRE program. He decided to stay home and take courses so I can’t speak to the campus component, living learning community. His BIOFIRE classes have so far focused on laying a foundation for him to be better prepared for getting job experience. Whether preparing him for research by teaching him about what is expected and exposing him to processes, etc. They have also worked on their resumes and discussed things they need to do to set themselves up for success in research and job opportunities. He’s just now getting into his second semester and it seems to be getting more involved. There are different concentrations available, he was just steered towards biology because of his initial major choice. Ultimately these “fire” programs look to offer special opportunities for the students that are involved, whether that be research opportunities, bonding with others with similar interests or personalized exposure to faculty that can serve as great resources and references later on.

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Do people that were chosen to begin the spring not get information about admitted students day? aww kinda upsetting :frowning:

We did via email.

ohh thank you. I checked and it was there whew :slight_smile: