UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

We did not receive an email about admitted students day (Fall 21) and could not find a link on the website for live tours other than a note about receptions (not on campus?) for admitted students in Spring 21. When did you receive the email? Thank you.

Admitted Students Day link


Thank you. I am not sure how I missed that. It looks like a virtual event. We really want to see the campus with a formal tour, but nothing appears to be offered right now. There was something about “Maryland Day” opening up in April 2021, so maybe that is the opportunity.

My son is graduating this semester a year early as he entered with 66 credits of AP and dual enrollment credit. He had quite a few credits in math. He is a CS major and tested out of one CS class so it will take him 6 semesters to graduate. Here is my take. Send the AP scores. Whatever he gets credit for he gets credit for. He can still retake the class if he wants you just don’t get credit twice. More importantly, having as many credits as possible when you enter is a huge advantage for purposes of registration for second and subsequent semesters. Since my son entered with 66 credits he never had an issue with getting a class or time he wanted since he registered pretty much before anyone else who was at the same place within the major. There were semesters he registered about three weeks before his friends. Additionally, since he entered with 66 he was technically considered a junior which allowed him to have a car on campus his freshman (first) year while he lived in the dorms. The only downside to his UMD experience was that his President’s Scholarship required him to complete 30 credits a year so he will graduate with almost 160 credits. He ended up taking a few classes just to fill up his schedule. Things he didn’t really need or want to take and probably taking the seat of a student who truly wanted or needed the class. I think the University would be better served if they rethought their position in situations like this. Perhaps an exception to this 30 credit rule for students making legitimate progress toward their degree. To sum it up, take every credit they will give you. You can always take the class anyway.


That is great advice!! Thank you very much!!

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Plus keep in mind it saves money, my daughter started with 30 credits which saved about $35,000.


Maryland Day is like a big Open House for the public. We love attending. It is not specifically for any single group, but it will give you the chance to walk around the campus and go inside some of the buildings.


Thank you! Sounds good if it’s the only opportunity for live visit. I am a year behind on the visits (so is everyone). Literally this time last year, I was excited that I had calendar dates for registered tours with a couple colleges for the first week of April, and we all know what happened with that :frowning_face:

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Does anyone know what date financial aid results were released in years past?

Great advice! Thank you. Does the scholarship offer come in the acceptance letter or later with the financial aid? How long did it take for financial aid offer to come after acceptance?

Want to know this as well

I would like to know this as well, when will they announce the merit offers for students applied in EA round and got their decisions already. Thanks!

From UMD: " candidates for merit scholarships will receive an email notification by March 1."

From last year, they started sending out scholarship email on 2/26/20. So maybe they will follow the same format releasing merit email on the last week of Feb.


how about financial aid packages?

By March 1st if you completed FAFSA by Jan 1st. There are tons of info for Financial Aids on UMD’s website if you need additional info.

We are not qualified for Federal Grants, so we’re not applying for FA.

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I seem to recall my son’s came 3-4 weeks after he was admitted.

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hi. I received the email feb 8. are you referring to admitted open house, right?

Yes, I think? We have the notice for the virtual open house with events all day. I keep looking for on campus guided visits.

oh I dont think there are any or I just haven’t received notification either(?)

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is Maryland having on campus admitted visits or just the online admitted students day?