UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

can someone please explain to me what carillon communities is? I was accepted to it. Thanks!

Here is a link for information. It’s a one year LLC

I took my son there on Tuesday to drive around. My husband and I both went there, so I know the campus well. Not sure how he isn’t familiar with campus, but I guess it’s his older brother and younger sister that have been for Maryland Day a few times, math competitions, etc. Anyway, there truly is a lot of construction happening. It doesn’t really effect your visit except for visually - cranes, noise, jersey walls. I was able to drive all over with no problem (kind of a gross day and cold, so we just drove around for an hour). Going to look at their self guided tour and see if it’s worth it when I take him back to walk around when the weather is nicer. Go Terps!!


It always amazes me to go back and see how much has changed. I’m on campus often as a season ticket holder but I’m not often near the engineering buildings or North Hill. Just near both stadiums. Last football game we went to we actually drove our son around the campus more but I don’t think he’s ever been in North Hill.

You could probably hire a student in your child’s desired major to give you a personal outdoor tour. Try Reddit.

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I drive to and on campus about twice a month. I have not had any trouble getting to campus or driving around campus. Just be aware that some roads on campus are one-way or blocked. Use common-sense detours. You’ll be fine. The construction (now halted) on Campus Drive is for the Purple Line. Imagine light rail being there in a few years, going right past the student center.

FYI:The high-rises on North Campus are mostly freshmen. The dorms on South Campus have some Honors freshmen/sophomores and some older students. South Campus Commons is mostly juniors and seniors. The newer looking buildings are mainly for engineering and science, but there is also a beautiful performing arts center. The older, historic buildings on the Mall are mainly humanities buildings. The Stamp Student Center is fun and has its own bowling alley and movie theatre.


For UMD, what’s usually the academic qualifications for the Banneker/Key scholarship?

The student has to have been admitted to the Honors College. There are no specific Stats stated.

Have they announced Banneker winners?

According to a post in the following thread, all B/K notifications were sent out on Feb 5.

Thank you

Do the scholarships that go out for IS students generally only go to Honors kids. I know they are small but every bit helps.

I believe that the rest of the merit scholarships will come out around the end of the month. So maybe next Friday.

My son was in engineering two years ago (OOS) with a 34 ACT - and got $5,000.

Perhaps because it’s an excellent engineering school it made it tougher. My daughter has a 32 ACT, is a Scholar (not Honors) and is in Poli Sci which is an LEP, so while I need more for her to attend and hope for more, I’m not expecting more.

Any OOS have past experiences?

I’d love to know too, my daughter has a 33 and I’m not hopeful. Just need to make a spring break plan on where Tim visit, even if just to walk around, fortunately there are 4 solid offers on the table.

Here is a thread for students who wanted CS but did NOT get direct admission into CS

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Approximately how many are usually admitted to the Honors College each year and are most Honors College admits offered that scholarship? Also, the scholarship says both in-state and out-of-state applicants are eligible. When it says it could cover tuition, if an out-of-state applicant would be selected for it, would the scholarship actually cover out-of-state tuition?

My d was admitted to Scholars for engineering three years ago and got a $8k merit scholarship. Things change so quickly though that I’m not sure what happened three cycles ago is still relevant.

Is scholar a program at UMD?

Have Scholar invites gone out already?