UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

@Mjkacmom I think our kids applied to all the same schools. :slight_smile:

We also received $8k for all four years which is nothing for OOS students, and doesn’t even cover the yearly “differential tuition add-on” for CS or engineering students. Sigh.

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Another school tricked us that way. First thing they wrote… Congratulations you’ve been awarded… then you continue to read and it’s it’s unsubsidized loan… my DD was like ahhh how is that an award :flushed:


It’s funny how similar stats kids in the same region go for the same schools! I’ve noticed the usernames after a while. Good luck to your daughter, mine has no idea where she will go, told me to rank them according to cost (since she hasn’t seen most of them).

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so if we did not get an email about merit yet does that mean we’re not getting any?

Correct , I spoke to them today . I will say the women I spoke to was very rude , she said if did not get email for merit that is final and you can’t appeal it . It’s fine for us my daughter received merit from many amazing schools and just makes our decision easier will Decline offer today


UMD was my son’s third choice. But after being accepted to the CS program and invited to FIRE, he got super excited and was ready to enroll. He was also only given $8k for 4 years, which like you said, doesn’t even cover the differential tuition add-on. Total shame he will have to turn down UMD since it’s no where near comparable in price to his remaining choices. UMD would actually bring in more revenue if they offered a little more aid to their OOS accepts. Oh well.


@disoos3, @Mjkacmom - similar story with my kid. It’s too bad - my son thought their CS program and research opportunities looked good too, but the cost comes out way higher than some of his other options.

Guess they’ll at least always have the lawn sign… :laughing:

UMD is the state flagship. They are beholden to the taxpayers of the state which provide funding to the school. It’s hard to please everyone when everyone wants more. Personally as an in-state patent I’d love to see some of my tax dollars coming my way, but they didn’t.

My son applied to surrounding state flagships and a few other colleges. He got great merit from UDel and Loyola but nothing from Penn State. I’m sure he would have gotten a good amount from UMBC but he wasn’t interested in going there. In the end UMD was the cheapest even with zero merit. Every college is different and each has their own system.

Congratulations to those that received aid. Any amount certainly is appreciated. My son is doing great at UMD and we are happy he ended up there. I’m sure everyone’s student will do great wherever they end up going to school.


Very true. UMD does not have a goal of increasing revenue. It has a Legal responsibility to educate the children of Maryland taxpayers.

Every year I try to warn people not to expect big scholarships. Every year it seems to fail. UMD is a great value for in-state students, and for those lucky few from OOS who get big scholarships.


We all apply - knowing the cost up front. I get it.

We rolled the dice on the $75. I wish it was less. Got in. Great school. Some great schools give. Some don’t. I’m not sure of the rationale. Each school is different.

Our kids can and will get great educations if they want them - wherever they go. Maryland is certainly a very good school. It’s a business. They are able to fill a class so in theory, why would they give it away.

I get it. I’m bummed. But college isn’t nationalized. It’s localized to the state and even further.

My daughter got into an LEP and Scholars and was truly excited to go visit. So i’m bummed - but it’s how it works out. Good luck to all.


It’s very rare and is the highest award amount anyone can receive (other than the B\K). I know OOS tuition is high everywhere and UMD is no exception, but at least it gives you a nice option. We’re in state at UMD. My son is a sophomore CS and Math major and my daughter will be a freshman (Business major) at UMD next year. He loves it and she’s excited for next year. Congratulations!

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My son was also accepted into Eng school two years ago. He’s switched from Eng to CS and Math. We were surprised he didn’t get any merit money, but he won some small private scholarships that helped a little. Our daughter just got some merit money from UMD which we didn’t expect. How they determine merit scholarships isn’t an exact science. I will say that Eng and CS majors who graduate from UMD usually make very good money so that’s how we’re looking at it for our son. He loves it there and my daughter is excited to join him in the fall. Good luck to you and your son, it’ll all work out for the best!


Merit aid only goes to a very small percentage of students at UMD. Best of luck to you!

Like SoofDad has said, it’s incredibly difficult to predict merit money. It’s definitely not an exact science. We thought our son (who’s now a sophomore at UMD) would get something. He was accepted into the Eng school but no merit. My daughter was just accepted, business major, and received merit which we didn’t expect. Perhaps less goes to Eng majors but the sample size here is very small. Getting into the Eng school is extremely difficult and those grads, especially from UMD, usually make a lot of money right out of college. It’s also nice to be in Eng from the start so you don’t have to apply to get in as a transfer and you’re automatically able to take any classes you want since it’s an LEP and many classes ae restricted to those in the Eng schools. I’m not justifying the lack of merit, just saying that in the long run, the money made by an Eng grad in just a couple of years will probably dwarf any potential merit money. Good luck to you and your son!


Great outlook and perspective, I couldn’t agree more!

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I think this is the norm at most flagship state universities. My daughter was accepted into Clemson and Florida State for OOS. Small merit for FSU. She’s getting merit from Clemson but won’t know how much for a couple more weeks. There’s no way they’ll give her an amount that would make it the same for in state students living in SC. It just doesn’t work that way for over 99% of OOS applicants at well respected state universities. So both my kids will be at UMD in the fall and they’ll do great there. Yes, we’re in-state and I totally get that OOS costs are extremely high. But again, the same goes for just about all OOS applicants at flagship state universities. I wish your families the best of luck. It’ll all work out!


Believe me when I say that CS majors from Maryland are VERY sought after by local companies for sure.

We knew going in that our son likely would get no merit even though he did from every other school except Penn St. But being in state it’s still the cheapest option of them all. Only Purdue is within a few thousand.


Actually many publics give enough merit to bring OOS close to in state, at least UD, UMASS, UCONN, Temple, Bing (lower than in state Rutgers), and some don’t (UMD, Pitt, Penn State).

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When my D applied 3 cycles ago she got a small presidential scholarship (also admitted to engineering).

My impression is that the majors that attract a high number of applicants, like CS and Eng, don’t need to give merit aid to fill the class.

That said, at the same type of schools, it can be difficult to transfer to Eng/CS from outside the program so I don’t think your younger son should apply undecided.

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Does anybody else’s financial portal say that UMD has not received their FAFSA yet? I know I submitted my FAFSA the day it opened so I’m not sure what to do