UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision


Yes you definitely submitted the FAFSA, but make sure you selected UMD (and any other colleges) as a recipient. If you have proof that UMD was in the list in the FAFSA site to be sent the FAFSA, then you may email that to FinAid at UMD and ask them why it says they haven’t received the FAFSA (with a screen shot of the proof that the FAFSA site says it was sent to UMD). If you didn’t specify UMD, it’s easy enough to login to the FAFSA site and have it sent to UMD (and others).

Check the year on financial portal and make sure it is “2021-2022”


I have not found that to be the case with FSU, Clemson, NC State, Penn State, Michigan, UNC, and a host of others. If they give enough to bring the OOS tuition down to the in-state rates, I think that’s for a handful of very exceptional students.

I just checked and it did say on my FAFSA that it was sent to UMD, but I resubmitted it this morning thinking they didn’t receive it? Do you think there’s proof in my email somewhere?

Except for a few elite schools, where they tend to offer need base aids, most do offer merit scholarships to attract students to attend. The amount of scholarships, the number of students who get merits and the evaluation process are depend on the schools.

Cost of attendance for OOS will be expensive even with help from merit or needed aids but we do have the in-state option to consider if cost is factor. We are fortunate to have great offers from all schools (except for Fordham) that daughter applied, which cost after merit is a little more than in-state but we may end up sending daughter to UMD since it’s closer to home, affordable and offers great learning experience.


Take a screenshot and send it to FA. If you just resubmited the form, then it will take a day or so before they receive it. What we did when we had this issue earlier was removing the school and added it back then resubmitted

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Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I was wondering if anyone still hasn’t received their financial aid package. Mine still says under review.

I haven’t either

There’s a lot to be said for being closer to home. It made move in and move out easier because I could make a few trips rather than just one to handle everything. Also it was nice to be able to take our D to lunch on occasion, and there were some times when she just wanted to come home for a weekend and get together with HS friends.

All scholarships except B/K are out. If you were invited for that, you were made aware.

They came in a separate email (scholarships in general) based on what people on the board said.

And I spoke to admissions yesterday who confirmed all merit money was disbursed on Wednesday.

So likely you’ll just see the loan when it pops up.

Hmm, I was invited to B/K but I was never made aware that my financial aid wouldn’t be released. Thanks for the info!

I’d assume then - that it’s not released because they don’t yet know how much you will receive.

I wish my daughter had the invite and was pending :slight_smile: Congrats to you on that!!!

Stay patient.

In just 65 days all our kids will have picked a school, many much sooner.

April 1st - ish seems to be the last day for decisions to come out (from other schools such as nearby American).

Today is U of Florida.

Getting closer to done :slight_smile:

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My wife works near school + I heard there is a UMD’s bus stop near our home where students can ride from/to school to that stop. We already plan for D to come home every weekend and perhaps surprise lunches/dinners at nearby restaurants.

I went to UMD many years ago so I’m happy if she goes there. Still waiting for a couple of high reach schools though :wink:

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Thank you for the congrats! I am really excited to finish with this whole process too. After financial aid comes out I will just be waiting on which honors college I’ll get in. Idk when that will be but hopefully soon!

Is that because of covid? My oldest was only 40 minutes away but we encouraged her to stay on campus (but when her grandmother was diagnosed with a aggressive cancer sophomore year it was a godsend that she could come home).

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Yes. The pandemic got us to think “safe” :slight_smile: . We want to be able to drive to her school just in case of an emergency. Schools in the NE and Mid Atlantic are great, so no need to far.

For anyone whose kids worries MD is “too close to home” I present myself as exhibit A. I grew up 2 miles from campus. My mother worked for Maryland and was on campus daily. My freshman and sophomore year I never saw her until she came up with the idea of every few weeks offering to pick up my laundry on her way home. She claimed at the time it was because she didn’t want me in the basement doing it late at night, but she later admitted it was her way of getting eyes on me to make sure I was okay. It was for 5 min for her to get it in her car and give me a hug, but I saw it as win/win as I didn’t have to do my own laundry lol.

By junior and senior years I missed her and would actively go to her office to see her for lunch.

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ZenNine, Congratulations!! You will receive AT LEAST a partial B/K ($9250 per year for instate; $13250 for OOS) or the top prize of a full B/K ($24902 per year for instate and $51014 for OOS). Having been selected as a B/K semi-finalist, it is unlikely that you would be awarded another U Maryland scholarship, but perhaps some FA might be coming, my guess.
Refer to the following:


Thank you for the info! I’m glad they offer a partial award because I suck at interviews. However, the 3.2 gpa requirement does worry me. I saw earlier that they normally do 3.0 for other schools but for UMD I think most? of their scholarhsips have a 3.2 minimum.