UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Congrats! Have you received a link for the interviews yet? Mine is Monday, but I haven’t heard from them since the interview confirmation.

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I have yet to receive the link, but my interview is on Wednesday. Congrats to you too!

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The interview will be a quick 10-minute (at most) conversation with a faculty and a student. Bring your family and enjoy the festivities on interview day together. Perhaps try not to overextend yourself in the first year to maintain a 3.2, which you can definitely achieve.

aSliceofPizza, enjoy your interview day and good luck.

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I’m glad the interview won’t last too long. I am a bit confused about “interview day”. I have school on Wednesday so will it be in the afternoon? Because I am aware that before, students would go to the school for this day. But, since it is virtual how will it work?

I am sorry that I did not realize that the interview day is virtual this year, and I don’t know how it works this year. Perhaps you can be excused from your school (classes) to give yourself ample time to relax and prepare mentally. Are there virtual tours that you are expected to sign-up or participate? Sorry for giving out confusing info.

It’s okay! So I found this from my email: “On your interview day, you will also have the opportunity to virtually learn more about your academic program and the Honors College, as well as to speak with current students, staff and faculty.” So I think they are still doing like an “interview day” but I just haven’t received any other information about the links or what to sign up for. But it’s fine, I am sure they will go more in-depth about the day over the weekend since interviews start Monday.

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In state parent of a current senior at UMD and senior in HS who has been admitted.

I am curious how UMD markets to OOS students, especially once admitted. Now that I’m going through this a second time, I am realizing how much other large, state schools do to inform and appeal to their admitted students. Emails, virtual info days over the course of the week, information specific to their applied major, we’ve even gotten a call from a Dean! Being liberal arts students, both my kids are used to not getting a lot of extra attention but I feel that UMD offers next to none.

Does your admitted student get info/updates/marketing from UMD? If so, what college/major and are you in state or OOS?

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I know she got a lawn sign, we are OOS and I’ve never seen a lawn sign for college acceptance.

Has anyone recieved an acceptance package or anything? If so, how long ago? I’m OOS and have yet to receive anything in the mail from UMD.

The following link has the courses that students will be be able to take in the Fall

i got a lawn sign lol

Our son also got a lawn sign, and invitations to a couple virtual information sessions, but that’s it (and no “big envelope” with his acceptance). We are out of state, he was admitted to engineering / honors.

As for the lawn signs - last year was the first time I had seen them. I figured that it was because of Covid and they wanted the 2020 seniors to feel special. There were quite a few for Penn State (we are in PA), and a few other schools.

I definitely don’t need a lawn sign or even paper mail. Seems like a lot of the schools are not sending any big envelopes. But I would like some acknowledgement, some info sessions, some links to virtual sessions. Anything. She got into a new major so some more information on that would be great. Comparing it to USC and the difference is huge.

Pitt and UofSC are very good with “goodies” to lure kids to attend. I haven’t seen anything from UMD yet, except email for virtual events but maybe mail is slow.

I wouldn’t count on snail mail for anything these days. Just the other day, DeJoy said that he plans to implement postal changes that will slow down mail delivery even more.

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My son got an invitation from CS department to attend an information sessions next month.

Penn State lawn signs were purchased by parents/family once their student committed and/ or for graduation. There is a parent that makes them for purchase. Penn State sends out an envelope with a nice letter of acceptance to program and a large sticker like sign "WE ARE Class of ". My daughter received one for “22”, and my now hs son received the same for “25”

I can attest to Penn State that almost no scholarship money is awarded. I knew this before my daughter applied and enrolled. It’s a hard pill to swallow for OOS.

My D declined her spot at Penn State. It’s the only school she’s done that for so far. We didn’t think it would be fair to hold it and it’s just too expensive OOS for us without scholarships.

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