UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision


Can’t right click on Apple laptop… the “view checklist” is so short, nothing there to click on…

You have to right click on your portal and select “View page Source”

You can’t right click on an Apple computer… any idea how to do that with Apple products? This is on the Terps portal, yes? Sorry, just not finding anything. But maybe that tells us something already.

It’s not ok n the actual portal. When you are on the portal you right click and a view source shows you click on it then the function f. Type in acceptance. Then you would see that words. Prob means nothing. And not sure how it works on Apple.

You can try Chrome on apple it’s simple to view page source

On Mac just use Control-click

The “Control-click” got me to it, thanks 2021collegeapp!

It doesn’t mean anything. I looked at my son’s application for 2 years ago and it is there, but he was not accepted


anyone tried this link: Password Management
says record not found

It is probably for current students who have enrolled therefore cant find anything for applicants…

Hi All. My daughter was accepted to Fall 2020 and deferred enrollment until Fall 2021. She just got all of her re-admission stuff today. Last year I was in the same spot as you. Waiting and waiting for the decision letter. I was able to figure out that she had been accepted before getting the letter by going here: Password Management
This is where newly admitted students verify their identity and get their directory ID. If you put in your info and it lets you log in and see an ID, there is a good chance you are admitted. (Don’t think they’d give you an ID if you weren’t accepted.) I think I was able to log in a day or so before the official acceptance letter.

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@chiamaria We got a “record not found” message. I hope that isn’t a bad sign.

“No matches found”
Hoping it’s too early.


It’s probably too early for the link to work. It was only a day before or morning of decisions that it worked for my daughter last year.


Will you share her stats?


With your D’s stat and being in-state, I’m sure she will get accepted to UMD.

Good luck to your daughter.


Thanks and knocking on wood. I know sometimes decisions seem to have no rhyme or reason :grimacing:
Good luck to you too!

Do we think decisions are definitely coming Friday? Also what majors did everyone apply to?

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@Nadroj24 Yes, I think Friday is the day. Psych major.