UMD Honors vs Hamilton for CS

Still waiting for a few more decisions, but CS twin is trying to decide between Hamilton and UMD honors. Currently Hamilton would be slightly cheaper due to FA (have to confirm they will continue considering 2 kids in college at same time).

He really likes everything about Hamilton except he is worried about the CS major. He has warmed up a lot to UMD, thinks the major is great and honors housing freshman is very nice but not small classes in beautiful setting. He will do fine at either, just looking for thoughts to help him work through options.

I would ask Hamilton for specific career outcomes.

They list some generic, not all CS related on their webpage but I’d find out % employed, job titles etc.

I didn’t see it on their website.

If it’s legit, he loves the school so it could be good.

You might look at curriculum too. Is it wide enough for electives, etc. not just what they offer but how often.

Reputationally, the most rigorous major on Hamilton’s campus in recent years has been computer science. This article may offer you insight into the research side of its program while showing the interests of some of its students:


UMD’s CS program is ranked in the top 20 nationally. And their honors living-learning program is also very good and provides great opportunities. Hard to pass up.

Yes, freshman classes are very large but they have small discussion groups (20-25 students) along with each such class.

Ultimately, he should go where he thinks he’ll fit in best.

Seems like the typical LAC versus large university choice:

  • Smaller classes, but more limited upper level courses at Hamilton.
  • Larger classes, but greater range of upper level courses at UMD.

Which does the student value more, smaller classes or the greater range of upper level courses?

The catalogs and schedules may show what specific courses are available, how often they are offered, and what their enrollments are.

Does the difference in financial aid make a difference for you?
He should email the CS department and candidly ask about internship placement, graduate positions, etc.

The current difference doesn’t make a difference, I do have to clarify with Hamilton if they will continue to include # of children currently enrolled in college.

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Of note regarding Hamilton’s computer science program is its strong relationship with its math program. Current mathematics department courses such as Graph Theory, Mathematics of Machine Learning, Statistical Methods of Machine Learning and Applied Network Analysis reinforce and extend the material taught in Hamilton’s CS department. For students interested in particular applications as undergraduates, Hamilton’s data science major connects these two departments formally.

I’d expect research opportunities to be more accessible at Hamilton than at UMD.

Regarding upper-level electives that may be comparatively limited at Hamilton, skills in material not explicitly covered can be developed as a function of the experimental and theoretical foundation in CS established there. In general, CS tends to represent a “divergent” field in this respect, partly because of its fast-changing nature.


These are the current Research Areas and Research Centers at UMD

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I’d also recommend researching internship and career opportunities at both schools. How many (and which) companies are visiting campus, what career support is offered, in what form, etc.

Thank you, I think he may take all month to decide. He loved Hamilton from the moment he stepped on campus. He has “hated” UMD for years, but starting senior year everything changed. After accepted students day he started to wear a UMD sweatshirt everywhere and said he would attend unless MIT or Rice came through (denied and waitlisted). He is excited about everything UMD offers, the courses, the new honors dorm, the gym, etc. Everyday he wavers between the 2, very different experiences.


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