<p>Im torn between these two choices. I got accepted to both schools and can't decided if I like the atmosphere of a big school like maryland or a smaller school like tcnj. I live in new jersey so TCNJ is way cheaper. Do you know which school has a better or more well respected computer science program/departmant? Thanks</p>
<p>Have to go with UMD. One of the better in the country. A Google founder went there.</p>
<p>UMD is more selective</p>
<p>UMD has a solid CS program.</p>
<p>thanks for the input</p>
<p>My nephew is very happy at TCNJ. If you feel more comfortable at a smaller school and the cost is so much less, go there. I think the academics are good. I will warn you that a LOT of kids go home on the weekends. It really is somewhat of a suitcase school, although there are plenty of parties to be found.</p>
<p>UMD’s CS department is ranked in the top 12 overall. The advising is EXCELLENT. At the accepted students presentation last year for prospective incoming freshman CS majors, the head of the department said most CS majors had post-graduation jobs lined up by the end of junior year. Sergei Brin (Google) was a math/CS double major from UMD.</p>
<p>UMD is generous with AP credits and it is pretty easy to double major if you are in CS.</p>
<p>Do you have a specific area of CS in mind? That may help us give you some more specific feedback.</p>
<p>S did research at UMD’s CS department and has a number of friends there.</p>
<p>Like several others have said, UMD-CP has an extremely well-regarded CS department. TCNJ isn’t particularly special that I’m aware. If you’re asking solely about reputation in the CS community, I’d say UMD-CP wins big time - of course there are other factors that you might be considering.</p>
<p>TCNJ’s CS program is mediocre; UMD’s CS is one of the best-regarded in the nation. However, cost and size are certainly important factors as well.</p>
<p>Most students will take 10 to 15 CS courses for the major. Will TCNJ provide good 20 courses for the studens? I think so.</p>
<p>If a student is very advance and ready to do research with the world renowned professors, UMD will be a better option. If a student just wants to graduate and gets a job as a programmer, then he/she should look at other factor, like costs and school size.</p>
<p>This is just my humble opinion. :)</p>
<p>^ Sure, TCNJ has an adequate number of courses. That’s what I meant by “mediocre”–as in, not outstanding, unlike UMD. This is coming from a small-LAC devotee who has consciously chosen to avoid large state schools despite strong CS programs.</p>