UMD or Susquehanna

My DD really likes the fit and feel of a small LAC with a tight knit community and small classes. She was accepted to and tentatively decided on Susquehanna. Awarded presidential scholarship and dept grant - total COA would be $23,000.
We are in Maryland so she applied to UMD but didn’t think she would get in as it’s gotten super competitive. She was accepted and into scholars. Isn’t at all excited about the size but everyone keeps telling her she can’t turn it down. COA = $26,000.
Major is Public Health/Communications

Any insight on small LAC vs. state flagship. I know ranking and name wise UMD wins.

Does your daughter know what she would like to do after graduation? I think that Public Health and Communications are both strong departments at UMD. My DD really likes UMD, but she wanted a large school. If your daughter is drawn towards a small LAC, that is probably where she will thrive. The popular majors at UMD can have huge classes.


She’s not sure, potentially something like a Community Health Educator or hospital public relations. She heard some freshman and sophomore classes had over 100 people in lecture halls and she definitely would not thrive in that environment.

She could try Susquehana. Could Transfer back to UMD for junior year opportunities in major.


Just reading your message:

Likes the fit and feel of a small LAC with a tight knit community and small classes.

Isn’t all excited about the size.

Yes, she can turn it down. There will be plenty of kids at Susquehanna who got into UMD or even “higher rated”. UMD is strong, don’t get me wrong, but no one is confusing it with Harvard.

Even if they were, you have to spend four years there - day after day after day. She needs to be happy - and if she has such strong feelings in this regard, it’s not a - I could go this or that way. And from a parental POV cost is similar.

So from my POV (but I’m not you and I respect that), because costs are in range, she should make the call - and she has to live with the result.

What would she major in - Public Policy? Their health looks more pre professional. So as long as you can get to where she wants from a major at the school, I think it’s a fine choice for her.

Two great choices - it makes it hard - but it shows her hard work has paid off.



Thank you so much, super insightful!
Susquehanna is allowing her to combine Communications/Public Relations and Health Science to create a Public Health major.


Flexibility - nice. Congrats to her on the wonderful scholarship.

I’m sure, like all colleges - UMD, Harvard, etc. that Susquehanna too will have its share of successes and not so successful.

I personally believe it’s your daughter that will decide which she becomes.

Best of luck to her - and congrats to you on saving some $$ and to her for the confidence boost of the UMD admission - which as you noted is not easy!!


My son is at UMD. It’s a great school but maybe not great for everyone. Keep in mind that UMD hasn’t awarded merit money yet so cost may change. I can certainly see size being a fit issue. Have you visited both colleges? If not then do so. Sounds like she has already been catered to at Susquehanna. From what you describe that’s probably more her fit. In the end, as stated above, she could transfer into UMD later if she chose to. UMD is going to have large lower level classes. I’d choose fit.


Hoping @MaineLonghorn will chime in about Susquehanna.

Eons ago, I went to a very small LAC my freshman year. I had a couple of classes that were over 100 students because they were required courses for almost every major back in the Stone Age. Psych beginning course.

But….having said that. Susquehanna is (in my opinion) a hidden gem amongst small colleges. UMD has very strong programs as well.

Congratulations to your daughter!!

My daughter graduated from Susquehanna in 2020, in the honors program. She had a wonderful experience there. Her professors were tough but encouraging. She studied art history in Florence one semester. The only thing she wasn’t thrilled about at SU was the food.


My DC wanted a smaller school. But they did apply to UMD (it was their financial safety) and was accepted. They chose the small LAC (we also looked at Susquehanna!)

A school isn’t “better” if your child is going to be miserable there.

And schools aren’t jails - they can always transfer!


Thanks so much - is your DC happy at the small LAC?

I’m not familiar with UMD but my D is finishing up her senior year at Susky. It’s not where she originally chose to go (forced transfer after freshman year due to loss of FA) but she’s been incredibly happy there and has just blossomed in so many ways. She’s had wonderful professors who truly know and care about their students. She’s also gotten lots of research experience and TA work that she would not have gotten at her previous school. The students are down to earth and well rounded. Dh and I refied this year and had to pay off our HELOC prior (which is where we pull some funds for college) and opening a new HELOC took months longer than anticipated. Bursar made a call to a higher up and told us basically pay when you can. We think it’s a pretty special place.


Thank you so much, makes me so happy to hear!!


I can’t believe your daughter is graduating already! I agree about SU being a special place. Classy all around.


Very happy. They apparently knew what they wanted! They actually were visiting friends at UMD recently and said their visit cemented the fact that they could have not gone to a large school. There were just so many people. It felt overwhelming to them.

Where will your child thrive? Grow? Feel confident? Advocate for themselves? Make the most of their college experience? Be happy?

If you child is going to “do well” in life, they will do well no matter what the name of the school is on their diploma.


We just got back from visiting Susquehanna and my daughter is truly so excited about attending there in the fall. We live in Florida and it wasn’t even on our radar until I read about it in a parent’s Facebook group. We visited for the first time back in June while doing a college visitation road trip to Centre College (KY), Belmont University (TN) and Sewanee: University of the South (TN). We had already toured Mercer University in Macon & Stetson Univ in Deland, Floirda and those 2 were her #1 and #2. After meeting with the track and field coach at Susquehanna, doing a tour and admissions presentations, my daughter knew the other 3 colleges we were visiting would have a hard time comparing. After visiting them, Sewanee and Belmost were immediately crossed of the list. She hated both. Centre College was nice, but she decided to apply ED to Susquehanna in August, was admitted in October and awarded a trustree’s scholarship. We made the deposit and then in December she was awarded a Tuition Exchange full-tuition scholarship. She is REALLY looking forward to being a River Hawk, and plans to study Ecology and Environmental Science.


So excited for her! We visited a lot of colleges between all three kids and I just loved SU. Except for the food, my daughter adored it. She even had a good mental health counselor there!

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Those are my Ds majors as well! Profs are great in that department. She’s currently in the Bahamas with one of her classes.


I’m just reading this thread today - a few months late. Wondering if you’ve decided yet? Wonderful that SU was flexible about customizing your daughter’s major.
We will be visiting Susquehanna next month and already visited UMD. Trying to get a feel for schools both big and small.

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