<p>I'm accepted to both but Michigan is a lot more expensive compared to md. Is it worth the cost? I am a Maryland resident. </p>
<p>Michigan is going to cost around 40,000-50,000?
and Maryland is at around 10,500.</p>
<p>I'm accepted to both but Michigan is a lot more expensive compared to md. Is it worth the cost? I am a Maryland resident. </p>
<p>Michigan is going to cost around 40,000-50,000?
and Maryland is at around 10,500.</p>
<p>Hi, my son also got into U MICH, and we also have been back and forth over it. Thats a personal thing. We told him , if money were no object, then yes he would be going to Mich, but in this economy, Maryland is a great school and he would come out loan free. We really want him to be happy, but also to be realistic. And, we already have a daughter in college NC (Elon). So you should think about it /with your parents, do whats best for you and your family. Good Luck.</p>
<p>What is your intended major? I’m sure both schools will have your major, so it all matters now about the ‘rank’ and the costs.</p>
<p>several questions:</p>
<p>how much does the money matter?
do you have a chance at any scholarships?
what is your major?
any other schools to consider or just these two?</p>
<p>Yea, your major would be a huge factor in that decision. If you go to a humanities/liberal arts area, then I would pick UMD. If you were to go into an engineering area, I would pick Michigan.</p>
<p>It definitely depends on your major. I am currently a finance major and can tell you if you want to do business, UMichigan is definitely a better bet. However, the Smith School gets better rankings year after year. Still very hard to work in NYC as a finance major.</p>
<p>Another thing to consider: Michigan’s budget is being severely affected by the economy. Would not suprosed if it starts taking a lot of kids five years to graduate just because courses aren’t available as often as needed.</p>
<p>If you are looking CS, the comp sci advisor at UMD is outstanding. We know folks who have gone to Mich and found that advising can be haphazard (even though they love the school). S decided to not complete his app for Michigan based on the advising issue alone.</p>