UMiami Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

For anyone accepted for Spring (like my son) I created a Spring thread for people to share thoughts (anger, frustration, happiness, confusion, etc).

Is that the combination of a need-based award and the cane? Cane is up to 16k.

Mind sharing your stats?

D was accepted:

4.0 UW 1490 SAT NMF Lots of good ECs/national level awards 13 APs. Did not apply for aid.


The yield rate is 20% so we gotta multiply the number by 5 making it a 20~25% acceptance rate

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No, just Cane. 40k, 10k per year.

Deferred EA, then waitlisted.

I’m wondering the same thing! I was admitted spring too. I’m sure they’ll do a virtual information session on it soon! If you scroll down in this forum, someone created a new forum for spring admits where I asked the same question that you just asked.

Deferred EA and then accepted for spring 2022 but I’m SO happy too be accepted at all (I know how competitive its is)!! I’m thinking of accepting the offer but I definitely need to learn more about spring 2022 and what students do from Sept-Jan

congrats to everyone accepted!! did anyone else get waitlisted? I’m a little surprised considering my stats were high for umiami. do you think they’ll admit many people from the waitlist?


I was waitlisted too. I think not needing a ton of aid saved me from a rejection lol. Also waitlisted at northwestern. So many schools trying to protect yield smh

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D21 was waitlisted yesterday and accepted at Wake Forest. She’s been waitlisted to 3 schools (so far). LOTS of students waitlisted this year to all schools. I anticipate more WL movement this year, since students applied to a larger number of schools than ever before. It seems Miami deferred a lot of EA students and also WL a bunch of RD students. It doesn’t seem like they denied admission often, but who knows? It’s been one crazy year for college admissions.


Hi - was deferred EA and was accepted RD for spring admission!
No test scores
Lot’s of leadership including Student Body President
Lots of Varsity sports
Congrats everyone!


I don’t think Miami yield protects because their yield is already low… it’s okay to not get in or waitlisted but saying yield protected is diminishing the accomplishments of others


Does anyone know how long they take to send in financial aid? I had a few CSS documents missing and submitted them last night.

I was accepted for spring 2022 too! Heres the UMiami spring forum If you want to join: UMiami Class of 2025 - Spring 2022 Admits

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UM does not do yield protection. Most of the kids admitted from my school during EA had 1500 sat scores and at least a 4.6 GPA.


For reference, the middle 50 percentiles of enrolled students in the class of 2024 is 1260-1400. Naturally, that is not indicative of the range for admitted students, which would be higher.


My D got accepted , Frost school of Music. Got 27k but with such a hefty price tag and no other $$ aid, I think, sadly, it takes this school out of the running. Being from the NorthEast, I was really looking for a reason to visit FL on a regular basis!


Does anyone know where I can find the breakout of OOS students by state that attend UMiami?

Would you be comfortable sharing your daughter’s degree plan and instrument within Frost? My son was accepted EA in Music Ed jazz drumset, and there was no mention of merit scholarship at the time. However, since then the drum professors implied he should be hearing soon about scholarship money — I guess they wait until RD gets selected and then figure out how to distribute the money. However, the University has not communicated with him since the initial acceptance letter on Jan 29th. Did they specify what kind of scholarship she was awarded? All music or academics or a combination? This whole process is so confusing. What a mixed up year for the music kids.

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